Sound does not work on the computer. What to do if there is no sound on the computer

Good hour!

Folk wisdom: we often begin to appreciate the most commonplace things when we lose them ...

This is how it is with sound, while it is on the computer - it is not given due importance, but when there is no sound, it is a tragedy, because you will no longer watch a movie or listen to music! In general, this can happen for a variety of reasons: for example, after reinstall Windows, changing speakers, updating drivers, etc.

Actually, in this article I want to give all the most common reasons for the lack of sound, for each of them I will give a solution, screenshots (what to do and where to press ✔). In the vast majority of cases, the sound can be restored on its own without resorting to the help of a master (thanks to which, save a pretty penny!).

And so, let's get down to business ...


If your PC is too quiet sound (that is, it is, just weak!) - I recommend that you first read this article:

All the reasons for the lack of sound are given by the author, depending on their "popularity".


Windows has a special wizard that can eliminate many of the causes that disable normal sound. Therefore, before dealing with the problem yourself, I recommend running it at least once.

To do this, simply right-click on sound tray icon - and select "". Next, the wizard will start - just follow its instructions.

A few words about audio connectors

I would recommend starting the search for the reason for the lack of sound on the computer by checking the audio connectors (especially if you just bought a new PC, changed speakers, disassembled the system unit, or did something else with the device).

Generally, usually, on classic system blocks there are three audio connectors:

  1. input (in) - it is marked in blue. Serves to connect a device that can transmit sound to a computer: TV tuner, player, etc .;
  2. exit (out) - usually green. Serves for sound output, speakers, headphones, etc. are connected to it;
  3. microphone (pink or red). I think there is nothing to comment on ...

I will also add that there can be 6 connectors (four-channel sound mode)! In this case, a subwoofer is connected to the orange port.

So, quite often many users in a hurry connect speakers to either connector. Of course, if this is so, then there will be no sound! In addition, I gave a photo (see above), in which the connectors are well marked, but this is not so on all PCs. (it's good if there is a barely noticeable engraving).

As for laptops (and in general, newer equipment): Please note that headset jacks are now increasingly appearing. They differ in that both speakers (headphones) and a microphone are connected to one input.

marked with special icon (headphones with microphone, see photo below).

Note that if you connect ordinary headphones (or speakers) to the headset jack, the sound will most likely not be reproduced *!

If you have a similar connector, then there are two outputs:

  • or use special. headphones (supporting a headset jack);
  • or purchase a special. adapter (sold in all computer stores).

To help!

What to do if you only have one headphone and microphone input -

Incorrect sound settings in Windows

I can tell from my experience that this is one of the most common reasons (along with the previous one)for which sound disappears in Windows. No matter how trite it may be, but I recommend starting the restoration of the computer's performance by checking the volume settings.

1) First, pay attention to the tray: next to the clock is shown sound icon (example -). If you click on it with the mouse, you can find out the volume level (and whether the sound is turned off completely!). Check out this moment.

By the way, a good indicator is that when you increase the volume above ~ 50%, you will hear a characteristic hiss in the speakers or headphones. (Example below in the screenshot).

2) Second, check the settings in volume mixer on Windows. This is a special thing that allows you to adjust the sound in various applications: for example, you can turn off the sound in the browser completely, and raise the sound in the audio player at full volume! In some cases - without it anywhere ...

To open it, use the volume icon in the tray: just right-click on it, and then select from the menu that opens.

3) Wrong audio device selected default. This is a very common reason for the lack of sound, it usually arises after reinstalling Windows (after restoring it), after changing or connecting additional speakers and headphones. The fact is that Windows sends sound to a specific device, which is specified in the settings.

If the wrong device is specified - you will not hear the sound, because he simply won't be sued (explained confusedly, but I think it's clear).

To make sure and check if the correct device is selected - go to and open the " Sound" (first open the "Hardware and Sound" section, see the screen below).

Next, note: in your tab " Playback "there may be several audio devices. If you do not know which one to choose, try each of them in turn (it is advisable to turn on the playback of some melody before that).

Kinks in wires and plugs

This is a real scourge of many headphones and speakers (especially Chinese ones, which use very thin wires that break from any "breeze" 😡).

In any case, make sure that everything is in order with your speakers: the LED is on, when you turn up the volume, they start to hiss slightly (I observed this effect in almost all speakers / speakers).

By the way, for rechecking - the speakers can also be connected to another computer (laptop, TV).

Driver problem

Drivers are the head! Without the correct driver, no device will work normally.

If you don't have an audio driver on your system (or it started to conflict, was deleted or damaged) - then your computer will become "dumb". To check the driver's work - you need to go to device manager .


Please note that you can also turn off the sound in the audio driver settings! An example is shown in the screenshot below. To find your sound driver settings - go to windows control panel (in the section "Hardware and Sound") , or use tray icon .

The volume can be turned down in the settings of your audio driver

Windows Audio service not running

Windows has dozens of all kinds of services: among them there is one responsible for sound - it is called Windows Audio. In general, usually, it is turned on (it may turn off in cases of any failures, virus infection of the PC, if someone decided to make fun of you, and when installing all kinds of Windows assemblies).

To check if it's enabled, press the key combination Win + R and enter services.msc , click Enter (example on the screenshot below).

  • the service should be running ( status: in progress, see the screen below);
  • startup type should stand for " automatically". If this is not the case, correct the settings, save them, and restart your computer (laptop).

Windows Audio Service Check / Clickable

Codecs not installed

In certain cases, the culprit in the absence of sound may be codecs... Especially, I recommend that you pay attention to this if you lose image or sound when playing multimedia files (music, movies, videos, etc.).

It often happens that when watching a video: either there is sound, but no video (just a black screen), or there is a picture (video), but no sound (the second option, however, is less common).

Sound disabled in BIOS (UEFI)

Note. BIOS is a set of firmware that allows Windows to communicate with hardware.

IN bIOS settings (or more new version UEFI) you can disable the sound card (of course, then there will be no sound on the PC)... In general, as a rule, it is enabled in BIOS by default, and it can be disabled in extremely rare cases:

  • when you accidentally turned it off yourself during inaccurate BIOS setup;
  • when setting some default settings (in some BIOS versions there are special modes that allow you to squeeze out the maximum performance - during their operation, additional devices can be disabled);
  • system failure ...

In order not to repeat myself, here are a couple of articles:

  1. How to enter BIOS -. This is the first thing to do before changing your BIOS settings.
  2. BIOS keys (large table) -

Find in BIOS additional settings : something like Advanced, Audio, Device, etc.... You can just go through all the tabs in turn, looking into each, but without changing anything.

The ultimate goal is to find the line where audio is turned on / off (i.e. sound card). It is called differently (depending on the BIOS version), for example, High definition Audio, HD Audio Controller, etc.

Important so that the mode is opposite the line with the audio controller:

  • Enabled - i.e. enabled means the sound card is working;
  • Auto - then the map will be launched automatically, in auto-mode.

If the sound card is in Disabled mode, it is turned off and inactive.

Sound card enabled in BIOS (Enabled!)


After you change the parameter, do not forget to save the settings in BIOS before restarting your PC. Usually, this can be done using the button F10 (Save and Exit - save and exit).

Virus changed volume settings

"Viruses can do everything" - beginners say!

In fact, not everything, but a lot. Mute the sound (or spoil it) - they definitely can. For example, they can spoil the driver files, which will cause a conflict and the sound will stop working (viruses can also spoil the audio and video codecs, as a result of which the video will stop playing in normal mode).


Windows OS recovery

In some cases - you can try to restore the sound using the tool windows recovery (if you have breakpoints)... This will help if:

  • you had a sound a couple of days ago, and then you installed some program and it disappeared;
  • updated drivers, rebooted the PC and the sound was gone;
  • have been infected by viruses;
  • accidentally deleted something or changed some settings in Windows, etc.

Those. it makes sense to use recovery if you have a software error!

Steps in order:

Broken sound card

In general, a sound card is a fairly reliable device (by and large)... At least, they fail much less often than video cards (if we do not take into the statistics unsuccessful models and low-quality Chinese copies).

The sound card becomes unusable most often due to:

  • a lightning strike (although only people of the older generation are afraid of this, but this is so. Especially if your network is not grounded);
  • welding: if your neighbor is a welder and often welds something, then you are not very lucky ... The fact is that during welding there are sharp surges in electricity - this is very detrimental to the technique. Simple advice: Purchase normal quality UPS (+ network filter to remove network jumps once and for all).
  • poor quality power supply.

How to find out if the sound card has burned out:

  • if it burns out in front of you, you will most likely feel the smell of burning, a slight "smoke" is possible;
  • try to open the BIOS - if it is not detected there (and you do not see its name), then this is a bad sign, and it usually indicates that the sound card is not connected or is faulty;
  • you can also use - if the dispatcher does not see sound card completely, then there is a high probability that the card is faulty. Reliably confirm / deny this - they can at the service center (or if you connect the card to another PC).

Simple and fast solution

I should note that now there are inexpensive external sound cards on sale that can be connected to the USB port. They look like a flash drive, and some of them are comparable in size (or quite a bit larger). Such a sound card can be easily connected to any computer and laptop and get high quality sound (many of them sound better than the built-in sound card).

Additions in the comments are welcome ...

The article will be supplemented as we solve various problems with sound.


Greetings friends. Today we will consider the question why there is no sound on the computer, or why the sound on the computer disappeared? These are the questions that beginners and computer users are asking. And the desktop of our computer prepares for more and more surprises.

The reason why there is no sound on the computer is divided into nine sections. This is from my point of view, since such a problem occurs for many different reasons.

  1. We check the volume level.

  2. We check the computer for viruses. About how to protect your computer, see this video and also in this video

  3. You need to check your audio device drivers.

  4. We check the connection of the speakers.

  5. We configure system services.

  6. We check if the sound card is enabled in the BIOS.

  7. Eliminate defects in system files.

  8. Audio cuts out when TV is connected.

  9. We replace the sound card.

Checking the volume level on the computer

The first thing we need to check is whether the computer is in silent mode.

There are times when you accidentally press a button on the keyboard without sound and wonder why there is no sound. And we also check the volume level on the computer and on the speaker itself. If everything is ok, let's move on.

Checking your computer for viruses

If you surf the Internet on various interesting sites, you download different files and even more so without protection, the probability of a computer being infected is 100% serious. The virus on our computer works normally.

If the sound disappeared unexpectedly, immediately check with any antivirus, for example avast free.

You need to check your audio device drivers

Sometimes there are cases when the system is updated incorrectly by the driver or the driver does not work at all. How to find out, look at the picture

In the picture we see a device with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark. This means that the driver is not installed correctly or is missing altogether. If you have an Internet connection then update the driver automatically. Right-click on the not working driver and select "update driver"

Again no sound on the computer go to the next step

Checking the speaker connection

Went to buy myself new computer or his first computer chose what he needed and came with a smile on his face as a lady. I assembled it myself, connected it to the power source and you see, there is no sound.

When assembling the computer, on the back of the case there are outputs from the sound card and differ in colors: pink, blue, green, yellow, black.

Pink connector - microphone

Connector blue - line in

Connector green-speaker output

Connector yellow - SPDIF coaxial output

Connector black - SPDIF optical out

You need to select the green socket as in the picture.

It is necessary to choose the connector where the column is drawn. And also check the performance of the speakers, connect them to another computer or phone and check whether the speakers are working or not.

One more function needs to be checked. We go start-sound and equipment-sound of the window that opens if your speakers are disabled it will be gray as in the picture

And if the speakers are not visible at all, then we perform the following action. In the same window, press the right mouse button and press "show disabled device", then turn on the devices ie. dynamics and check the sound.

We configure system services.

If the sound disappears on the computer, you need to check the system services, whether they are in order or not.

In order to enter system services, go to start and write to the search line "services.msc."

Run the file as in the picture

In the opened window, look for the file "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder". We open this file and look "the startup type should be automatic" and the state should be "running". We look at the picture.

Checking whether the sound card is enabled in the BIOS There are cases when the sound card is disabled in the BIOS system. In order to turn on the card, go into the BIOS and turn it on as in the picture

After that, there is still no sound on the computer, proceed to the next step. Eliminate defects in system files

To implement this method, go to start and call command line... We write in the command line "sfc / scannow" and press enter. The automatic repair process will start system files in case of changes, it will automatically restore them from the repository.

The last reason why there is no sound on the computer when connecting the TV

This is the reason also met in my practice. I decided to use a TV connected to my computer, I use two monitors on my computer, one standard another TV.

Attention, if you have a weak video card, then when you use a monitor and TV, sooner or later your video card will go to hell and burn out even worse.

Here I connected the TV, I watch no sound. I ran through points 1.2.3 again. and found nothing. I went to the control panel-sound and equipment-sound. It turned out that Windows chose the default device for playing TV.

If you want the speakers of the computer and not the TV to work, we perform the following action: on the lower panel of the desktop, click on the column. Look at the picture!

In the device section, click on the arrow under the column icon and select the speakers.

If, on the contrary, you want to use the sound of the TV, we perform the same actions and select the TV, I have it written like this LG TV-3

That's how friends are and such pies. All possible reasons why there is no sound on the computer, we examined. I hope I wrote everything clearly. If something did not work out for you, write comments, I will try to help you. Subscribe to this and bye !!!

The computer has long ceased to be an exclusively apparatus for work and computing. Many users use it for entertainment purposes: watching movies, listening to music, playing games. In addition, using a PC, you can communicate with other users and learn. Yes, and some users work better with musical accompaniment. But when using a computer, you may encounter such a problem as the lack of sound. Let's see how it can be caused and how to solve it on a laptop or stationary PC with Windows 7.

The loss of sound on a PC can be caused by various circumstances, but they can all be divided into 4 groups:

  • Acoustic system (speakers, headphones, etc.);
  • PC hardware;
  • Operating system;
  • Applications that play sound.

The last group of factors will not be considered in this article, since this is a problem of a specific program, and not the system as a whole. We will focus on solving complex problems with sound.

In addition, it should be noted that the sound may disappear, both due to various breakdowns and failures, and due to improper tuning of serviceable components.

Method 1: speaker malfunctions

One of the common reasons why the computer does not play sound is problems with the connected acoustics (headphones, speakers, etc.).

  1. First of all, carry out the following verification:
    • is it connected correctly acoustic system to the computer;
    • whether the plug is included in the power supply network (if such a possibility is provided);
    • whether the sound device itself is turned on;
    • whether the volume control on the acoustics is set to the "0" position.
  2. If possible, check the performance of the speaker system on another device. If you are using a laptop with headphones or speakers connected, check how the sound is reproduced by the built-in speakers of this computer device.
  3. If the result is negative and the speaker system does not work, then you need to contact a qualified technician or simply replace it with a new one. If it reproduces sound normally on other devices, it means that the problem is not in acoustics and we move on to the following solutions to the problem.

Method 2: system tray icon

Before looking for faults in the system, it makes sense to check if the sound on the computer is turned off by standard instruments.

But a situation is possible when the crossed out circle is absent, but there is still no sound.

There is also an option when the icon in the form of a crossed out circle is present at the same time and the volume control is lowered to the limit. In this case, you need to alternately carry out both of the above manipulations.

Method 3: drivers

Sometimes the loss of sound on your PC can be caused by a problem with the drivers. They may be incorrectly installed or missing altogether. Of course, it is best to reinstall the driver from the disc that came with the sound card installed on your computer. To do this, you need to insert the disc into the drive and after starting it follow the recommendations that will appear on the screen. But if for some reason you do not have a disk, then we adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Click "Start"... Next, move to "Control Panel".
  2. Move on "System and safety".
  3. Further in the section "System" go to subsection "Device Manager".

    You can also navigate to the Device Manager by entering a command in the tool field "Run"... We call the window "Run" (Win + R). We enter the command:

    Push "OK".

  4. The Device Manager window is launched. Click on the category name "Sound, video and game devices".
  5. A list will drop out where the name of the sound card that is installed in your PC is located. Click on it with the right mouse button and select from the list "Update drivers ...".
  6. A window is launched, which offers to make a choice of how to update the driver: perform an automatic search on the Internet or specify the path to a previously downloaded driver located on the hard disk of the PC. Choosing an option "Automatically search for updated drivers".
  7. The process of automatically searching for drivers on the Internet begins.
  8. If updates are found, they can be installed immediately.

If the computer fails to detect updates automatically, you can search for drivers manually via the Internet.

  1. To do this, simply open your browser and type in the name of the sound card installed on your computer into the search engine. Then from search results Go to your sound card manufacturer's website and download the updates you want to your PC.

    If there is an exclamation mark next to the name of the audio equipment in Device Manager, this means that it is not working correctly.

    Method 4: enable the service

    The sound on the computer may also be absent for the reason that the service responsible for playing it is disabled. Let's find out how to enable it on Windows 7.

    1. In order to check the health of the service and, if necessary, enable it, go to the Service Manager. To do this, click "Start"... Next press "Control Panel".
    2. In the window that opens, click "System and safety".
    3. Then go to item "Administration".
    4. The list of tools is revealed. Stop your choice on the name "Services".

      You can also open the Service Manager in another way. Dial Win + R... A window will start "Run"... Enter:

      Push "OK".

    5. In the dropdown list, find the component named "Windows Audio"... If in the field "Startup type" worth the value "Disabled", but not "Works", then this means that the reason for the lack of sound lies precisely in the stop of the service.
    6. Double-click the left mouse button on the name of the component to go to its properties.
    7. In the window that opens in the section "Are common" make sure that in the field "Startup type" there was definitely an option "Automatically"... If a different value is set there, then click on the field and select the required option from the drop-down list. If you do not do this, then after restarting the computer, you will notice that the sound disappears again and the service again has to be started manually. Then press the button "OK".
    8. After returning to Service Manager, re-highlight "Windows Audio" and in the left part of the window, click on "Run".
    9. The service starting process is in progress.
    10. After that, the service will start working, as indicated by the attribute "Works" in field "Condition"... Also note that in the field "Startup type" was set to "Automatically".

    After completing these steps, the sound on the computer should appear.

    Method 5: check for viruses

    One of the reasons why no sound is played on the computer may be a virus infection.

    As practice shows, if the virus has already made its way onto the computer, then scanning the system with a regular antivirus is ineffective. In this case, a special anti-virus utility with scanning and disinfection functions can help, for example, Dr.Web CureIt. Moreover, it is better to scan from another device, having previously connected it to a PC in relation to which there are suspicions of infection. As a last resort, if it is not possible to scan from another device, use removable media to complete the procedure.

    During the scanning procedure, follow the recommendations given by the anti-virus utility.

    Even if it is possible to successfully eliminate the malicious code, the sound recovery is not guaranteed yet, as the virus could damage drivers or important system files. In this case, it is necessary to perform the procedure for reinstalling the drivers, and, if necessary, perform a system recovery.

    Method 6: restore and reinstall the OS

    If none of the described methods gave a positive result and you made sure that the cause of the problem is not acoustics, it makes sense to restore the system from a backup or roll back to the restore point created earlier. It is important that the backup and restore point are created before the audio problems start, and not after.

    If you do not have a system restore point on your computer that was created before the sound failure occurred, and there is no removable media with backup copy, then in this case you will have to reinstall the OS.

    Method 7: faulty sound card

    If you exactly followed all the recommendations described above, but even after reinstalling the operating system, the sound did not appear, then in this case we can most likely say that the problem lies in a malfunction of one of the computer's hardware components. Most likely, the lack of sound is caused by a broken sound card.

    In this case, you must either seek help from a specialist, or replace the faulty sound card yourself. Before replacing, you can test the performance of the sound element of the computer by connecting it to another PC.

    As you can see, there are many reasons why on a computer under windows management 7 sound may be lost. Before you start fixing the problem, it's best to find out the immediate cause. If this cannot be done immediately, then try to apply various options for correcting the situation, according to the algorithm given in this article, and then check if there is a sound. The most radical options (reinstalling the OS and replacing the sound card) should be done last, if other methods did not help.

Why did the sound disappear on Windows 7? Perhaps many windows users 7 this problem occurred at least once. This article contains the most common causes and how to solve them.

The main causes of loss of sound and how to solve them

What causes the sound to disappear on a laptop, computer, etc.? In most cases, the reason for this is the user's own errors in handling the operating system.

So, what to do if your laptop doesn't sound working. The first step is to check for the necessary drivers for your sound card. They may need updating, or you may not have them at all. By the way, driver errors are half of the reasons why the soundtrack on a laptop disappears. In order to see which devices on your laptop or computer need driver updates, you need to open the device manager, which can be found in the control panel.

In the manager window, all drivers installed on a laptop, computer, etc. are systematized and presented. With it, you can check the availability, performance or relevance of drivers. If any item is marked with a yellow triangle, you should pay attention to it! Devices responsible for audio playback are located in the "Sound, game and video devices" tab.

Perhaps the most commonplace, but at the same time the most common reason for the loss of sound is its unconscious disconnection in the mixer. A mixer is a system with which you can adjust the volume of specific applications. You can open the mixer by clicking on the corresponding label in the volume control window. After starting the mixer, make sure all parameters are nonzero.

No less common is another reason due to which the sound disappears on a laptop or stationary computer. Its essence lies in the system disconnects the output devices themselves... This may be due to system errors, device configuration changes and user intervention. Fix this problem very easy! For this:

Another common reason is the disabling of the service responsible for playing audio. To start it again, go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services. In the window that opens, find the "Windows Audio" service.

If the service is disabled, double-click on the service to open the change settings window, from where you can force the service to start by clicking the "Start" button.

In this window, one more parameter should be configured - the startup type. This parameter is responsible for starting the service when booting Windows... In order not to constantly start the service manually, I advise you to define this parameter as automatic.

Front panel audio cuts out

What to do if there is no sound on the front panel or no sound at all? The whole problem lies in the question "Why is there no sound?"

In most cases, front panel operation requires realtek dispatcher... If you do not have it for some reason, be sure to reinstall it. Launching the manager from the control panel, go to the "Speakers" tab. Next, double-clicking on the folder icon in the upper left corner, check the box next to "Disable front panel slot detection"

If, after the performed operation of displaying information on the front, the panel is still not there, then most likely the BIOS installed in your laptop or computer is incorrectly configured. The BIOS system is present in any laptop, computer or tablet, and provides operating system API access to hardware, including the front panel. To configure BIOS for front panel operation you need:

  1. When starting the system, namely during the demonstration of the manufacturer's logo motherboardinstalled on your laptop or computer, press and hold the "F2" key to exit to the BIOS menu.
  2. Then you need to find and select "Onboard Devices Configuration" in the "Advanced" tab.
  3. In the next window, you need to configure one parameter, namely "Front Panel Type", which is responsible for the front panel type. There are usually 2 options: HD Audio and AC97.

Exactly what type of hardware your front panel is, should be indicated on the motherboard or wires.

If, even after setting up the BIOS, there is no sound on the front panel, then, perhaps, the sound card is covered and you will have to replace it, but in this case the sound should disappear not only on the front panel. The sound may not work because the wire has come off.

The most common reason for no sound is to mute it or set the volume to minimum. If your computer is not playing audio, hover over the speaker icon in the tray (right corner of the taskbar). The tooltip will indicate the current volume value. If the sound is not played in a separate application, check its settings. If enabled in the settings, audio playback in a specific program may be limited in the mixer. To check, right-click on the speaker icon and select "Open Volume Mixer". There you can turn on the sound and adjust the volume level for each program running on your computer.

Check the volume on the playback devices themselves: headphones or speakers. When using speakers, also make sure they are connected to power and the power button is in the active position. Checking your speakers or headphones is pretty easy. To do this, it is enough to connect any other device instead of a computer to the audio output: a smartphone, a player.

Important! Also check your speaker settings. To do this, go to "Playback Devices", and in context menu speakers or headphones, click "Properties".

Incorrect operation of audio drivers

Another common reason why your computer might not have sound is missing or damaged audio drivers. To identify this problem, hover over the audio icon in the tray. If you see “No Audio Output Device Installed”, the audio drivers are causing the problem.

To eliminate these difficulties, right-click on the same icon and select "Detect problems with sound" from the context menu.

This will open a troubleshooting window. Wait while sound diagnostics run on your computer. Depending on the speed of the device, the process can take from a few seconds to a couple of minutes. If the determination of the cause of the malfunction stops in one place, click "Cancel".

When the audio diagnostics are complete, the system will prompt you to choose which device you want to troubleshoot. In this case, the device used should be noted based not on its type, but on the location of the audio input. For example, if your speakers are connected through the audio input on the front of your computer, check the second box, even though headphones are listed there.

If there is a hardware failure, the diagnostic result will be the following window. It may indicate damage to speakers or headphones, but the most common cause of difficulty in audio devices is broken or damaged connecting cables.

At the last step of the sound diagnostics, the result of its execution will be displayed. If the issues are resolved, close the troubleshooter. If the diagnostics did not help, click "View additional features". You can also find help information about the causes of the malfunction by clicking on the link "View more information".

Incorrect connection or installation of the device

Sound may not work due to improper connection or installation of sound devices. To resolve this issue, check if the correct input is selected to connect the device to the computer. Speakers or headphones may be connected to the microphone input and will not work.

Go to Control Panel -\u003e Device Manager and check the status in the Sound, Game and Video Devices menu. If a yellow mark with an exclamation mark appears next to the name, the cause of the problem is an incorrect installation or malfunction of the device

Note! If the audio hardware does not appear in the manager at all, update the configuration from the Actions menu.

Right-click on the audio hardware and select Properties, then go to the Driver tab in the window that opens. To update the configuration, click the Update button. Here you can uninstall the driver for its subsequent reinstallation.

In the next step, choose where you want to search for sound drivers. Two options are offered: an automatic search, which includes searching your computer and the Internet, and a simple driver search. We recommend that you select the first option to detect drivers.

Important! If the sound card is outdated and its driver is on a separate disk, first copy it to your computer.

The scan will take about 20-30 seconds, after which a message will be displayed in the search window about the successful installation of the new audio drivers. If the device already has the latest available driver installed, the configuration will not be updated.

If the driver update did not bring the desired result and the device still does not work, it is recommended to remove it from the system. To do this, right-click on the name and select "Delete". Confirm the deletion in the dialog box by clicking "OK".

After that, the list of equipment must be updated in the Action menu. A search will be performed for devices connected to the computer. If desired device is not displayed after searching, restart the manager.

When the speakers are found, installation starts automatically. This process can take several minutes. When finished, a message will appear stating that the speakers are successfully connected and ready to use.

Damaged connecting cables

Standard 3.5 mm connectors may fail due to mechanical damage. Usually breakage occurs at the base of the connector - at the junction with the audio cable. The break can also be on the cord itself. The cause of damage is most often pinching by furniture (table legs, chair wheels). Pets can also chew the cable. You can diagnose a breakdown visually or by connecting another cable to the speakers.

Physical breakdown of audio equipment

Even if the speakers or headphones you are using fail, you may not hear sound from your computer. It is not difficult to determine this - just connect another audio device to the same audio input. If it works, the reason is the broken speakers, not the computer settings.

Disabled windows Audio service

Another common reason for no sound is disabling the windows Audio service. This background process is responsible for processing sound data and is always running on a running computer by default. But when making changes in the system parameters, incorrect settings windows Audio. Also, the service can be disabled by malware.

To check the status of the service, right-click on the "Start" menu and click on "Run". In the text field of the window that opens, enter: "services.msc" and click "OK".

Note! Alternatively, you can use the Win + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run window.

A table of local services running on the computer will open. Find the item "windows Audio" in the general list, check the service status and startup type. The correct values \u200b\u200bare "Running", "Automatic". If the parameters are different, double-click on the selected line to change them.

Select automatic start from the drop-down list and click “Start” to start the service. Confirm the changes by clicking the "OK" button.

Important! Among the options offered, there are two ways to automatically load the service. It is not recommended to select delayed start for proper audio performance.

The service will open, after which you can test the sound operation. If windows Audio fails to start, restart your computer to automatically load this background application.

Instructional video: No sound on your computer? Let's figure it out

No sound on the computer! How to fix?

What if there is no sound on the computer? With such a problem associated with the lack of sound on your computer, I think that every PC user had to meet. Welcome dear readers to my blog!

In today's article, I would like to give special attention the problem associated with the lack of sound on the computer, or more precisely, we will consider the most probable reasons, due to which, in turn, sound disappears on our computer and, of course, we will learn how to fix the problems that have arisen on our own.

First of all, I would like to note that the problem of the lack of sound on the computer has been, is and will remain a very extensive topic for discussion on the Internet. Therefore, it is not a secret for anyone that the general principle of sound restoration in a computer boils down to the fact that you need to perform (check) a number of specific actions that will be aimed at sound restoration.

And it doesn't matter if you are even a novice user, because sometimes experienced users you have to spend a lot of time fixing a malfunction associated with the disappearance of sound in the computer. However, what if you have no experience at all to eliminate this type of malfunction? In the literal sense of the word, we can say that you just recently bought a computer for yourself and are starting to master it, and then BAM the sound on the computer disappeared.

In this case, so that you can find out the cause yourself and eliminate it yourself, today's article will be not only useful for you, but also instructive because you will learn a lot of interesting information. Here we go?

No sound on the computer

So, when you turn on the computer, you find that there is no sound on the computer, and immediately wonderingwhy is there no sound on the computer? At the initial stage of determining the reason for the lack of sound, it is important for you to know that the lack of sound on the computer can be caused by a malfunction either in the software or in the hardware.

Malfunctions in the software part can serve as a system failure, which in turn leads to damage to the system files responsible for playing sound. You can also add that the occurrence of a malfunction in the software part may be incorrect configuration of the sound scheme, missing or damaged audio device driver. Another reason may be faulty components (speakers, sound card). And in general, do not be lazy to read the article:

Does your computer slow down? Then you are here!

Well, dear friends, I suggest you step by step consider the main reasons that may be the reason for the lack of sound in your computer. We will start, of course, with the simplest.

Step one. Check the switch on the speakers, and if it is off, turn it on. Almost all speaker models are equipped with an LED that lights up when the speakers themselves are powered on.

Also check the position of the volume control.

Step two. Check if the speaker plug is connected to the computer correctly, the plug must be connected to the appropriate jack (the speaker jack is indicated in green).

Sometimes it is often necessary to notice that after performing computer maintenance or, for example, after moving the computer to another room, inadvertently connect the speaker plug to a completely different socket in the computer, or even forget to plug in the plug altogether.

Therefore, there is no need to rush, do everything carefully and carefully, without rushing.

Step three. If the plug from the speakers is connected correctly, and there is still no sound on the computer, then you should check the speaker status on the taskbar. To do this, double-click on the speaker icon, as shown in the figure below, and make sure that the speaker status is active and the volume slider is not set to the minimum position.

Step four. At the next stage, you need to make sure if the speakers are working at all, because if the power indicator is on when the speakers are turned on, this does not tell us that the speakers are one hundred percent working. You can also connect headphones to your computer and check for sound. In general, do not be lazy and check the performance of the sound speakers on another computer or laptop.

Step five. Let's say that the speakers are completely functional, but there is no sound on the computer. Then, in this case, you should open the task manager and check the status of the audio devices, or rather, make sure that the drivers on the audio devices are working properly, not damaged. In short, all devices must be recognized by the system, and the status of each device must not be indicated by an exclamation mark.

It is most likely that the drivers have been corrupted by viruses or malware, so it is recommended that you scan your computer for viruses before installing the driver.

If in your case there are exclamation marks next to the audio device, as shown in the picture above, then you should install the driver.

Read the article "Checking your computer for viruses" in order to properly perform a scan, scan your computer for malicious code in the system.

If no viruses were found, then you should proceed to installing the driver. You can find the drivers on the disc, which in most cases come with a sound or motherboard... You can also install the driver using the hardware ID code. You can find out in more detail how to install the driver by device code by reading my article:

Search for drivers by device code

and the status "device is working normally" is displayed, in the "General" tab

then you need to use the built-in diagnostic tool that is present in the operating room windows system 7.

In some cases, problems with sound that have arisen can be completely eliminated thanks to the diagnostic tool. Open the control panel, then follow the link "System and Security" \u003d\u003e "Support Center" \u003d\u003e "Troubleshooting".

In the window that opens, click "Hardware and Sound"

and select "Play sound".

Then a window will open in which you will need to run the diagnostic tool by clicking on the "Next" button. If in the process of diagnostics any malfunctions are revealed, then at the end of diagnostics a list of detecting and correcting the malfunction will be presented in the corresponding window.

Step seven. I once lost sound on my computer for the simple reason that all playback devices were turned off. Therefore, be sure to check if the audio devices are enabled in the "Hardware and Sound" control panel. To do this, you need to right-click on the speaker icon, which is located in the lower right corner of the control panel, and select "Playback devices" in the menu that appears.

In the "Sound" window that opens in the "Playback" tab, the status of the devices should be marked with a green check mark, as shown in the figure below

If none of the playback devices are displayed in the tab that opens, then right-click on the free part of the space and click "Show disabled devices" in the menu that appears.

At this moment, disabled devices should be displayed, which should be enabled by right-clicking on them and selecting “Enable” in the context menu.

As a result, the status of the playback device will be marked with a green check mark. You just have to save the performed procedure by clicking on the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

Step eight. If, as a result of the above actions, there is still no sound on the computer, then the next step will be to check the corresponding settings in the computer BIOS. Now I will not tell you how to enter the BIOS of my computer, as I already told in the article:

What is BIOS, secrets in the settings

The only thing I would like to add is that you will need to check that the High Definition Audio parameter in the Advanced tab is enabled (depending on the BIOS version, the location of the parameter may differ, therefore, to more accurately determine the High Definition Audio parameter on your computer, use the reference literature of your mother board), that is, the value was set to "Enabled". Then restart your computer and check if there is sound in the system.

Step nine. One of my acquaintances once asked to fix the sound on his computer, according to him, the sound on the computer suddenly disappeared after installation special program to improve the sound quality that he downloaded on the Internet. After analyzing the situation and making sure that the absence of sound in the system was caused in the software part, I came to the conclusion that the sound was muted by the windows service. And all because the program that my friend wanted to install was not completely installed in windows and caused a crash or conflict.

So one of the reasons for the sudden disappearance of the sound can be the actions of various malicious programs.

Therefore, if the sound disappeared after you installed a program, you should think about removing this program. I also recommend that you draw your attention to the fact that the "windows Audio" service is enabled. You can check this in the following way. Click on the "Start" button and enter "Services" in the search bar, then left-click on the found value, as shown in the figure below.

Now in the "Services" window that opens, go to the "windows Audio" service.

In the General tab, the startup type should be Automatic and the status should be Running.

If the service is disabled, then you should enable it, save the specified parameters and restart the computer.

Step ten. At this step, you should install another known working sound card, since it is quite possible that your sound card is out of order. By the way, before installing a sound card, perform preventive maintenance on your computer, an operation that is very, useful and necessary for the stable and correct operation of the computer. Anything is possible that the sound will appear after maintenance work. In the article "How to Perform Computer Prevention" you will learn the nuances that should be taken into account when cleaning your computer.

Step eleven. So, if you still do not have sound on your computer, and you have done all of the above steps by me, then you can try to return the system to a previous state using the previously created checkpoints. If you do not understand what I am talking about, then read these two articles:

How to recover your system and data after a crash

How to quickly restore your computer to work

After all, it is possible that you have lost sound on your computer due to a system file you accidentally deleted, which is responsible for the sound of the file. Therefore, rolling back the system to a previous state in some cases helps to eliminate the malfunctions that have arisen when working at the computer.

Concluding today's article, I hope that the information presented in this lesson was in demand for you and you got useful recommendations for yourself. I remind you that if you want to keep abreast of new articles, then subscribe to receive new articles.

And finally, I would like to know from you, what other problems related to the lack of sound did you have to fix?

See you in the next article \u003d\u003e Forgot the password on my computer! What to do??

Dear users, if after reading this article you have any questions or you want to add something about the subject of this article or the entire Internet resource as a whole, then you can use the comment form. Also, ask your questions, suggestions, wishes ..

So, for today this is actually all that I wanted to tell you about in today's issue. I hope that you have found interesting and useful information for yourself in this article. Well, I, in turn, am waiting for your questions, wishes or suggestions regarding this article or the entire site as a whole \u003d\u003d\u003e

9 Reasons Why There Is No Sound On Your Computer | The sound is gone

Greetings friends with you in touch Bakar Charaev. Today we will consider the question why there is no sound on the computer, or why the sound on the computer disappeared? These are the questions that beginners and computer users are asking. And the desktop of our computer prepares for more and more surprises.

Reasons why there is no sound on the computer

The reason why there is no sound on the computer is divided into nine sections. This is from my point of view, since such a problem occurs for many different reasons.

  1. We check the volume level.
  2. We check the computer for viruses. About how to protect your computer, see this video AVG free computer protection and also in this video USB Disk Security protection against viruses.
  3. You need to check your audio device drivers.
  4. We check the connection of the speakers.
  5. We configure system services.
  6. We check if the sound card is enabled in the BIOS.
  7. Eliminate defects in system files.
  8. Audio cuts out when TV is connected.
  9. We replace the sound card.

Checking the volume level on the computer

The first thing we need to check is whether the computer is in silent mode.

There are times when you accidentally press a button on the keyboard without sound and wonder why there is no sound. And we also check the volume level on the computer and on the speaker itself. If everything is ok, let's move on.

Checking your computer for viruses

If you surf the Internet on various interesting sites and download different files, and even more so without protection, then the probability of a computer being infected is 100% serious. The virus on our computer works normally.

If the sound disappeared unexpectedly, immediately check with any antivirus such as avast free.

You need to check your audio device drivers

Sometimes there are cases when the system is updated incorrectly by the driver or the driver does not work at all. How to find out, look at the picture

In the picture we see a device with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark. This means that the driver is not installed correctly or is missing altogether. If you have an Internet connection then update the driver automatically. Right-click on the not working driver and select "update driver"

Again, there is no sound on the computer, go to the next step

Checking the speaker connection

I went to buy myself a new computer or my first computer chose what I needed and came with a smile on her face as a lady. I assembled it myself, connected it to the power source and you see, there is no sound.

When assembling the computer, on the back of the case there are outputs from the sound card and differ in colors: pink, blue, green, yellow, black.

Pink connector - microphone

Connector blue - line in

Connector green-speaker output

Connector yellow - SPDIF coaxial output

Connector black - SPDIF optical out

You need to select the green socket as in the picture.

It is necessary to choose the connector where the column is drawn. And also check the performance of the speakers, connect them to another computer or phone and check whether the speakers are working or not.

One more function needs to be checked. We go start-sound and equipment-sound of the window that opens if your speakers are disabled it will be gray as in the picture

And if the speakers are not visible at all, then we perform the following action. In the same window, press the right mouse button and press "show disabled device", then turn on the devices ie. dynamics and check the sound.

We configure system services.

If the sound disappears on the computer, you need to check the system services, whether they are in order or not.

In order to enter system services, go to start and write to the search line "services.msc."

Run the file as in the picture

In the window that opens, we are looking for the file "Tool for building finite dots windows Audio ". We open this file and see "the startup type should be automatic" and the state should be "running". We look at the picture.

Checking whether the sound card is enabled in the BIOS There are cases when the sound card is disabled in the BIOS system. In order to turn on the card, go into the BIOS and turn it on as in the picture

After that, there is still no sound on the computer, proceed to the next step. Eliminate defects in system files

To implement this method, go to start and call the command line. We write in the command line "sfc / scannow" and press enter. The process of automatic restoration of system files will start in case of changes, it will automatically restore them from storage.

The last reason why there is no sound on the computer when connecting the TV

This is the reason also met in my practice. I decided to use a TV connected to my computer, I use two monitors on my computer, one standard another TV.

Attention, if you have a weak video card, then when you use a monitor and TV, sooner or later your video card will go to hell and burn out even worse.

Here I connected the TV, I watch no sound. I ran through points 1.2.3 again. and found nothing. I went to the control panel-sound and equipment-sound. It turned out that Windows chose the default device for playing TV.

If you want the speakers of the computer and not the TV to work, we perform the following action: on the lower panel of the desktop, click on the column. Look at the picture!

In the device section, click on the arrow under the column icon and select the speakers.

If, on the contrary, you want to use the sound of the TV, we perform the same actions and select the TV, I have it written like this LG TV-3

That's how friends are and such pies. We have considered all the possible reasons why there is no sound on the computer. I hope I wrote everything clearly. If something did not work out for you, write comments, I will try to help you. All subscribe to this and bye !!!

Replacing the sound card

And the last thing that remains to do is contact the service or buy a new sound card and replace it.