How to sync files on different computers. How to solve file synchronization problem

If we need to synchronize the contents of two different folders of a computer, a computer and a removable device or network storage, we can simply arrange the data by date in Windows Explorer and copy the fresh files to another folder. Or select all the data in the original location, copy and paste it in the destination, replacing the legacy data. The regular system conductor is not capable of more in this regard.

If the data needs to be synchronized selectively, if the difference in the contents of the folders needs to be tracked, analyzed, and possibly left with different revisions of the files for one purpose or another, then a more serious tool is needed. This is the old, well-known file manager with enormous functional potential. How does it synchronize the contents of different directories in the Windows environment?

So, we have two folders with data. Each contains the same files as the other, and new ones, and one of them also contains updated revisions of documents, while the other contains their outdated revisions. These two folders are open in different panels .

How to track, check and synchronize all this in the required volume? Total Commander offers two tools for such tasks - comparison of directories and their configurable synchronization.

1. Comparison of folders

The directory comparison feature allows you to identify differing files one-way. It can be used to keep the contents of only one of the folders up to date. For example, when you need to move a photo from a flash drive, camera, smartphone or other gadget to a computer, there is no need to clutter up the connected device with computer photos. In this case, in the file manager window, put the cursor on the panel of the folder from which the updated data should be copied. And select from the menu.

After that, on both panels we will see all the different files - with different names, as well as updated editions with the same names, but with a different editing date and a different weight. They will be marked with a different color, the highlight color set in the theme ... In our case, this is the blue text color. Older data revisions are not marked with a highlight.

If you need to keep the old revisions of the data, in the copy window, click and give the new revisions excellent names. The operation of moving files works on the same principle. (F6 key) .

A more usable format for this function is comparing directories with hiding identical content.

In this case will hide all the same files and show us only those that are different.

2. Synchronizing folders

The directory synchronization function is initially a full-fledged exchange, when both folders are replenished with missing data or their updated editions. But with certain filters, this function can also be used for one-way updates. So, the right paths are open on the panels , press the menu, then -.

The sync window will open. This process takes place in several stages - first, the folders are compared, if necessary, filters are installed and the comparison is started in a new way, then the content is copied directly. First of all, press the button Compare.

We will see a comparative information summary:

Identical files will be marked with black text and an icon will be displayed between the folders «=» ... This data is not synchronized.
Files that are in the folder on the left pane, but not on the right pane, will appear in green. The arrow to the right indicates the course for making copies in the panel on the right.
Files in the folder on the right pane that are not in the folder on the left pane will be blue. Their icon is an arrow to the left, and this is, accordingly, the course of copying to the left panel.
Different revisions of data with the same name will be present in both panels, but will be colored in the direction of the panel with more recent revisions.
For all files, we will see their names, weight and date of creation or last editing.

If you don't need to exclude anything, just press the button.

If there is no need in the old editions of the data, when requesting a replacement, click "Replace" (or "Replace All") ... If the old editions need to be left, we press and add some addition to the names of the new editions.

As a result, we will see a report - the same comparative informational summary, but now with data identity parameters: all positions will be marked in black and with the icon «=» .

3. File comparison filters

Directory Synchronization Function provides filters for easy comparison of folder contents and exclusion of certain types of data from the synchronization process. Usability filters are collected in a block of buttons.

Here we can use the button «=» turn off the display of identical files and analyze the bottom line only different ones.

We can also turn off the display:

Different files on any of the panels - buttons with a green arrow to the right and blue to the left;
Different editions - a button with a red crossed out equal sign;
Identical data, including their different editions - button "Duplicates";
All different files, leaving only those with identical names for review, albeit with different editions - the button "Unique".

Different revisions of data with the same name are also tracked using filters "By content" and "Ignore date"... Check the boxes for these options. But in this case, this data will also be excluded from the synchronization process, and as a result, one of the folders will remain with the old editions.

4. Synchronization of folders with subfolders

If there are subfolders inside the synchronized folders - empty or with content, you must activate the filter when comparing "With subdirectories" and "Empty directories".

Otherwise, the subfolders will not participate in synchronization.

5. Synchronization only for certain types of files

At the top of the window for synchronizing directories between the directories themselves there is a field with an icon «*.*» .

This is a filter for individual file extensions. If synchronization is necessary only in parts, for example, documents ".Docx" , ".Pdf" , ".Txt" , pictures ".Jpg" , ".Png" or other formats, enter the required extensions in this field by type:

* .pdf

If there are several extensions, enter them separated by commas by type:

* .pdf , * .docx , * .txt

In this case, the rest of the data types will not be synchronized.

About two years ago I gave birth to a project - a small client program that can be installed on any device and simply synchronizes files.
For example, you could specify that documents will be synchronized between your home and work computers. Music and books between your home computer and your phone. Backups between home computer, work computer and server. Also, this program could control the subsequent distribution of any file in the system. That is, you, as the owner, could always find out the history of the file: copying to a USB flash drive, to another computer, by "email", etc.

Then I almost received funding, but the investment fund with which I worked at the last moment demanded a serious share in the business. And I decided that the game was not worth the candle. And then somehow it was not up to that.

Yes, you say, there are cloud storage and why is it needed when there is Yandex.Disk, Dropbox and a bunch of cloud file storage services. Well, it's just not always acceptable and convenient. Minuses:
1. You trust your files to a third party without any guarantees. (I'm not paranoid, but you won't leave your private data in such storage)
2. You need the Internet to access them. And this in Russia is still not always possible with the required speed.

A holy place is never empty and BitTorrent has released something similar, but in a stripped down form. Their program simply syncs files between different platforms and systems as soon as they go online or are inside the same subnet. Unfortunately, you cannot flexibly configure the synchronization rules, but there is an excellent client that is administered through either the native interface (WIndows, MAC OS X, Android, iOS), or through the web interface (* NIX).

I no longer climb for photos, documents and music on my mobile and do not climb on the server to pick up a rarely updated backup.
Your home computer has several folders:

To put something on my phone, I just copy the file I want to the Phone folder. It will appear on my phone in a few seconds
To exchange documents with the guys at work, I throw it into a shared folder. And after a few seconds, this file appears for all the people I need - locally and not in the cloud.

In the car, there is a Google Nexus as a media center, it looks at the Internet via 3G. On my home computer, I throw navigation maps and music into the Auto folder. Everything is automatically folded into the car. From the Auto / Registrar folder, I take interesting moments captured by the video recorder (the device in the car is always online).
Saves tons of time.

We wish BotTorrent every success in developing their wonderful project.
Available on Google Play Market and Apple AppStor. I think it will soon appear for a mobile version of Windows.

Thanks to Murin Sasha for the tip)

Folder and file sync programs help you keep updated copies of files and folders in various locations. These can be different computers, network drives, USB drives, or online storage. While synchronization utilities can be used as a simple means to create backups (called one-way synchronization), their real purpose is to maintain identical sets of files and folders in multiple locations.

An example is maintaining current versions of the same files on multiple computers that you use at different times (two-way sync). Folder sync utilities keep track of which files you've created, modified, or deleted. And, accordingly, they make these changes to other places.

Criteria for evaluating synchronization utilities:

A good synchronization utility should do most of the following.

  • Supports two-way file synchronization.
  • Should be able to copy any folder or file, even if they are currently being used by other programs.
  • Correct handling of conflicts. An example of a conflict would be changing the same file at two different sync locations.
  • Keeping records of file deletion.
  • Detection of the fact of file renaming.
  • Supports filters and rules for fine-tuning the synchronization scope. An example would be excluding certain file extensions from the synchronization process.
  • Preview of all changes made with the ability for the user to override any actions.
  • Task scheduler and the ability to automatically detect and start synchronization when the synchronization location becomes available (for example, you inserted a flash drive).
  • Maintain synchronization both on the local machine and on the network (for example, network folders).

There are many contenders in this class of programs, but only a couple of them support most of the criteria.

Review of free programs for synchronizing files and folders

FreeFileSync file and folder synchronization software is the best choice

Allway sync

Large set of filters and rules. FTP support.
The monthly copying limit is 40,000 files. No copies locked files.

In this article, we'll look at how to back up your files and keep them up to date, as well as how to sync files between multiple computers using one of the best FreeFileSync programs.

1. What is a backup for

Backing up your files, such as personal documents, photos and videos, will protect them from loss as a result of accidental deletion, operating system failure, viruses or hard drive damage.

Remember! If you don't back up your files, sooner or later you will lose them!

Another purpose of backing up could be to keep your files in sync across multiple computers. For example, you might be working on the same files at home and at work, and you want the files on your home and work computers to update as you change, create, or delete them.

Also, regularly backing up your files will make it much easier to recover your computer in case of a failure. You just need to restore the image of the operating system, and all files are already safely stored in a backup copy and you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort to restore them.

2. Installing the FreeFileSync program

You can download the FreeFileSync program in the section "".

During installation, you can choose "Local" or "Portable" version, which can be carried on a flash drive in case, for example, you cannot install "Local" on a working PC.

After installation, two shortcuts are created: "FreeFileSync" is the main program and "RealTimeSync" is a utility for real-time synchronization.

3. Where is the best place to store backups

Before starting the description of the FreeFileSync program, I want to say a little about where it is better to store backups.

The most reliable and convenient way is to store your backups on an external hard drive.

An external drive can also be used for storage. You will not only save your valuable documents, photos and videos, but you can also quickly restore the system in case of a failure.

The disadvantages of storing backups on a flash drive are that its volume is very limited, it is easy to lose a flash drive and it can often take a lot of space on it to transfer files. In addition, flash drives are highly susceptible to crashes and virus infection.

CD / DVD-discs are also unreliable media, as they are prone to damage and, even if they just lie in place, eventually stop being read. In addition, it is problematic to regularly update files on disks.

You can back up your files to another hard drive on your computer. But, if a power breakdown occurs, then all hard drives may fail. Therefore it is also not recommended.

It is unacceptable to store a backup copy on another partition of the same hard disk, since in the event of a disk failure, the backup copy will also be lost.

In general, do not be stingy and purchase an external hard drive connected via USB (preferably USB 3), over a local area network (Ethernet), or store a backup on another computer or laptop.

If your files are very valuable and their loss will lead to unacceptable damage, then store the backup in another room or on a server on the Internet (cloud storage). Thus, in the event of a fire or other natural disaster, your data will remain intact.

It is better to store sensitive confidential data in a password-encrypted form so that theft or loss of the medium does not entail disclosure or illegal use of confidential information.

The main condition for the safety of files is the constant availability of their copies. As soon as one of the copies is lost, restore it as soon as possible.

4. Backing up folders

The first backup can be created by simply copying the file folders to an external drive, network folder, or other selected media. But it is better to use FreeFileSync right away, as it creates its own database to track file changes.

4.1. Selecting folders for backup

Open the program, in the left pane, add folders with your files, and in the right pane, select the folders where you want to save the backups.

To add another pair of folders use the plus sign "+", to search for a folder in Explorer use the "Browse" button. You can also enter paths to folders in whole or in part manually, copy and paste paths and folder names into the required fields. If the folder to which you want to back up does not yet exist, it will be created during the first backup.

For example, I created a folder "Backup" on the disk of the second home computer "HOME-2" and opened it for read and write access over the network. It also stores backup copies of my files.

Choose your most important files to back up. It is possible to make backup copies of folders with movies and music, which can always be downloaded from the Internet, but if they take up a large amount of space, this is usually not advisable.

4.2. Selecting a backup mode

Select the backup mode "Mirror" and click "OK".

Make sure the Synchronize button is set to Mirror mode.

In this mode, while backing up, the folders on the right will be matched exactly to the folders on the left. Modified files will be replaced, new ones will be added, deleted ones will be deleted.

4.3. Comparison of reserved folders

Before starting the backup, you must first compare your folders with the backup folders. To do this, click the "Compare" button.

If this is your first backup and you did not create empty folders for backups, a message will appear indicating the folders that were not found.

Please note that these errors can be caused by an error in the path to the main folder with backups (in this example "Backup") or the lack of access to another computer over the network (in this example, "HOME-2").

After comparing the folders, you will see a list of copied, updated and deleted files and their total size.

At the first backup, you will have only the added files, with the next copies, there will be updated and deleted files, depending on the changes you made. The renamed files will be deleted from the backup and the files with the new name will be copied to their place.

4.4. Making a backup

Make sure that the comparison result, expected actions and the size of the copied files look plausible and click the "Synchronize" button that has become active.

A message will appear again warning about the actions being performed, in which you need to confirm the start of the backup with the "Start" button.

Depending on the size of the files, the speed of the external drive or the local network, the backup process may take different time. But the program itself does it as quickly as possible.

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The first backup with a large volume of files may take a long time. All subsequent updates to the backup take significantly less time. The backup ends with a success message.

During the backup process, various errors and warnings may appear. Most of them are insignificant (for example, some service or temporary file cannot be copied). Make sure that the error is really insignificant and click the "Ignore" button.

5. Synchronizing folders

Synchronizing folders may be required if you work with the same files on multiple computers, for example, at home and at work. In this case, in order for the files to be the same everywhere, you can use an external drive or flash drive for synchronization.
Transcend JetFlash 790 8Gb

5.1. Selecting folders to sync

Open the program on the computer with the latest version of your files. In the left pane, add folders with your files, and in the right pane, select folders on an external drive or flash drive that will be used for synchronization.

When synchronizing files between multiple computers, it doesn't matter which folders are on the right and which are on the left. But, to avoid confusion, I recommend that you always select the files on the left that are on your computer, and on the right that are on an external drive or flash drive.

To add another pair of folders, use the plus sign "+", to find a folder in Explorer, use the "Browse" button. You can also enter paths to folders in whole or in part manually, copy and paste paths and folder names into the required fields. If the folder you want to use for synchronization does not exist, it will be created during the first synchronization.

Store frequently changed files in separate folders (for example, "Documents") so that they do not get mixed up with large, unchangeable files (for example, movies). Then synchronization will take much less time and space on an external drive or flash drive.

5.2. Synchronization Mode Selection

Now go to the sync settings using the gear icon next to the Sync button.

Select the synchronization mode "Both sides" and click "OK".

Make sure the "Synchronize" button is set to "Both Sides" mode.

In this mode, during synchronization, folders on the left and right will be brought into exact correspondence. In this case, all changes will be taken into account both from one side and from the other. Modified files will be replaced, new ones will be added, deleted ones will be deleted. For this, a database is used, which consists of special service files that the program creates in each synchronized folder.

Thanks to the database, you can make changes on several computers independently of each other and even on the external disk or flash drive itself, using some other computer that is not involved in synchronization. With the next synchronization, the program will automatically determine which changes are the last and gracefully bring the folders with files to the final version, even if you missed the previous synchronization and have already forgotten on which computer and which files you changed. The program will accurately determine this by itself using the database.

5.3. Comparison of synced folders

Before starting synchronization, you must first compare the folders on the computer disk with the folders on an external drive or flash drive. To do this, click the "Compare" button.

If this is your first synchronization and you did not create empty folders for synchronization on an external drive or flash drive, then a message will appear indicating the folders that were not found.

Click the Ignore button.

Please note that these errors can be caused by an incorrect drive letter (in this example "F"), as the letters can sometimes change, or problems with connecting an external drive or flash drive (for example, a bad cable or lack of power).

After comparing the folders, you will see the list of copied, updated and deleted files on both sides and their total size.

The first time you sync, you will only have files to add, the next time you sync, there will be updated and removed ones, depending on the changes you made. The renamed files will be deleted and the files with the new name will be copied to their place.

5.4. Synchronization start

Make sure that the comparison result, expected actions and the size of the files to be synced look plausible and click the "Synchronize" button that has become active.

A message will appear again warning about the actions being performed, in which you need to confirm the start of synchronization with the "Start" button.

Depending on the size of files, the speed of the external drive or flash drive, the synchronization process may take different time. But the program itself does it as quickly as possible.

The first synchronization with a large volume of files may take a long time. All subsequent synchronizations take significantly less time. Synchronization ends with a success message.

During the synchronization process, various errors and warnings may appear. Most of them are insignificant (for example, some service or temporary file cannot be copied). Make sure that the error is really insignificant and click the "Ignore" button.

5.5. Synchronizing on another computer

To synchronize folders on another computer with an external drive or flash drive, you need to install the FreeFileSync program on it, set up and synchronize on it in the same way (paragraphs 5.1-5.4).

Also, when installing the program, you can select the "Portable" version and install the program on an external drive or flash drive, which will be used for synchronization. It is recommended to use this method if it is not possible to install the program on another computer (for example, at work).

6. FreeFileSync settings

The program has a few settings and they are all pretty clear and useful.

The program remembers the last folders for synchronization. It is still better to save the sync settings to a file using the File / Save menu.

Using the File menu, you can create a new configuration or open an existing one. Thus, you can create several different configurations, for example, separately for backing up files to a second home computer and separately for synchronizing documents using a flash drive with a work computer.

If you select "Save as Batch Job", then this file can be used to manually start a backup, synchronize folders, or specify it in the scheduler for automatic scheduled backups.

If you plan to run the batch job automatically on a schedule, then when saving, you can set error handling to Ignore, the Run minimized checkbox, and the completion action to Close the process window or Turn off the computer (for backing up at the end days).

The settings file and batch job have corresponding icons and can be started without opening the main program.

6.2. Compare, filter and sync settings

From the “Actions” menu, you can go to “Comparison Settings”, “Filter Settings” and “Synchronization Settings”.

In the comparison settings, instead of the “Date and file size” mode, you can set “File content”, but this is not recommended, as it will greatly slow down the program's performance.

In the left panel, you can select folders and set the comparison settings for each of them individually. It is also possible to enable copying of symbolic links, if you know why you need it.

In the filter settings, you can exclude individual files and folders from backup.

For example, if your folder "D: \\ Documents" contains a folder "Videos" with large files that you have already copied somewhere, then to exclude it from synchronization, add the line "D: \\ Documents \\ Video \\ If you want to exclude all program installers that can be downloaded from the Internet from the backup copy, add the line “* .exe” to the “Exclude” section.

In the left panel, you can select folders and set filter settings for each of them individually.

Using the fields on the right, you can filter files that are not needed for synchronization by the time interval from their last change and size. Thus, you can filter out, for example, files that are too old and too large.

Synchronization settings

Synchronization settings are the most important, most useful, and give you flexible control over the process of backing up or synchronizing folders.

The following synchronization options are available.

Round trip Used to synchronize folders between multiple computers. The folders on the left and right are fully aligned using the change database. Files are copied and deleted in both directions.
Mirror Used for backup. The folders on the right are mapped exactly to the folders on the left. Files are copied only from left to right, files deleted from the left are also deleted from the right.
Refresh New and changed files from folders on the left are copied to folders on the right, but deleted files in folders on the left are not deleted from folders on the right. This may be necessary when you need to keep old files in a backup.
Selectively Allows you to set up your own synchronization rules when new, changed and deleted files are detected both on the left and right. It can be used to solve some specific problems.

In all modes, except for "Both directions" synchronization, you can set your own rules for new, updated and deleted files.

There is also an option "Detect moved files", which is useful if you often put things in order in folders. In this case, the files will not be copied again, but simply moved to the copies.

Slightly below you can configure the settings for deleting files - "Delete permanently", "To trash" or "Archive".

By default, files on hard drives are removed to the trash. If you make a mistake with the synchronization settings and some necessary files are deleted, they can be restored.

Files on flash drives and in network folders are not deleted to the trash. You can recover them only with the help of special file recovery programs. If you make a mistake, then do nothing with the flash drive or disk until you have restored the necessary files from them.

If you select the "Archive" option, the files will not be deleted, but will be moved to the folder specified by the user.

If you need to synchronize a large amount of data and there is no way to control the process, then it is recommended to set the "Error handling" option to "Ignore". You can also choose the desired action to complete synchronization, for example, turn off your computer.

Synchronization settings can also be set for each individual folder by selecting it in the left panel.

6.3. Other settings and tools

From the "Tools" menu, you can go to the "Settings" of the program itself, change the "Language" of the interface, "Find" files and folders in the comparison results, "Reset the location" of all folders and "Export the list of files" to a text document.

By default, "Fail-safe file copying" is enabled in the program settings, which makes backup or synchronization more reliable.

You can turn on Copy Locked Files if you experience such problems. The "Copy DACL, SACL, Owner, Group" option allows you to copy the access rights to files if you have set such restrictions and want to save them in a backup to restrict access to them or later restore files along with security settings.

I do not recommend experimenting with security settings, especially file encryption, for inexperienced users. This can lead to permanent loss of access to files in the event of a system failure or user error.

"Automatic retry on errors" allows you to set the number of attempts to copy files and the interval between attempts in case of temporary problems with the network or media.

Below are the rules for customizing the context menu for advanced users with a link to examples of their use.

The button "Show hidden windows again" restores the display that you previously disabled with the checkbox "Ignore subsequent errors".

The "Default" button returns all program settings to their original state. Use it when you are not sure that you have configured everything correctly.

Well, do not forget to confirm all changes made with the "OK" button.

7. Real-time backup

Here we will look at the additional utility RealTimeSync, which is installed along with the main program and is used for automatic synchronization.

Open the utility using the RealTimeSync shortcut on your desktop or in the START menu, go to the File menu and select Open.

Leave in the "Folders for monitoring" section only the folders with files on the computer disk, and delete the folders with the backup on an external drive, flash drive or local network.

Set the time in seconds after which you would like to check folders for changed files. For example, setting 3600 seconds, folders will be scanned every hour from the start of monitoring. It remains only to press the "Start" button, the program will be minimized to the system tray (in the icon next to the clock) and will start monitoring the folders.

If, during the next scan, the files are changed in the specified folders, the program will start the synchronization process, which will end with the display of the corresponding window.

If the “Run minimized” checkbox is selected in the batch job settings, this message will not be displayed and synchronization will be performed in quiet mode.

If at the moment of detecting changes in folders the utility cannot access an external drive, flash drive or network folder with backups, a corresponding message will appear.

If the "Error handling" option is set to "Ignore" in the batch job settings, then this message will not be displayed and synchronization will occur when access to the device with backups is resumed.

Of the advantages of the RealTimeSync utility, one can note the simplicity of its configuration and use, but it also has several disadvantages. Firstly, you need to run it manually or configure autorun yourself together with Windows (for example, by copying the shortcut to the Startup folder in the START menu). Secondly, it does not allow you to set a flexible schedule for synchronization. And thirdly, sometimes sync doesn't work.

8. Scheduled backup

As an alternative to the RealTimeSync utility, you can use the Windows Task Scheduler, which does not have all the disadvantages listed and has more flexibility.

Go to "Control Panel \\ System and Security \\ Administrative Tools" and select "Task Scheduler" or "Task Schedule".

Select Create Simple Task.

Enter a meaningful name for the task and click on the "Next" button.

Choose how often you would like to back up.

Then determine more precisely the day and time at which the computer is likely to be turned on for synchronization. For example, every Friday at 17:00.

Select an action for the "Run the program" task.

Click the Browse button.

Select the batch job file created in FreeFileSync.

Click the Finish button.

Now the files will be backed up accurately on the appointed day and time. If the computer is turned off at this time, the task will be performed the next time it is turned on. Just make sure the backup media is available at the right time.

You can delete or change backup settings at any time in the "Task Scheduler Library".

The batch file itself can also be changed at any time, regardless of the scheduler, using the FreeFileSync program.

You can also create an unlimited number of batch sync jobs and scheduler jobs with a wide variety of backup settings and plans.

That's all, keep your files on secure media and do not neglect backups.

9. Links

Below you can download the full version of the program for backup and file synchronization.

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Each of you can decide the issue of the safety of this data in your own way. I suggest you take a look at how to secure these files using data synchronization.

A friend of mine recently had a broken laptop. He hit him accidentally and he stopped turning on. It turned out that the hard drive had gone flying, and all the important information was on it. Backing up files he did not, as he often forgot, sometimes it was lazy or it was simply difficult to keep track of all the documents. Then he had a lot of problems with information recovery. Now, knowing about synchronization, he is not afraid of anything.

Now you perfectly understand that in the matter of data storage, relying only on your computer, disks and flash drives is very unreliable and unsafe. You can also take into account the human factor, when something is accidentally deleted, forgotten, lost ...

If you have already started to have questions about the meanings of some words and phrases, you can always look at the section . I will be collecting answers to frequently asked questions there.

How do I sync files and folders?

It's really easy to sync files and folders. It all comes down to the fact that you need to register in one of these services, then download a special program to your computer. The program will create its own folder on your hard disk where you need to place files for synchronization.

On this blog, I've tried to cover the most popular file sync services. You can familiarize yourself with them at these links:

Now there is a stormy development of cloud services, who, in the fight for users, try to come up with unique features and offer favorable conditions for using their services. On average, about 5 gigabyte free cloud disk space to sync files. It's not that much, but for the most important files it should be enough. Therefore, I recommend also taking a look at the article, where I tried to answer the question which files are for you and which are unimportant. It will help you choose the right files for synchronization and backup.

The essence of synchronization

Data synchronization ensures that the selected information is identical on different devices that are connected to the synchronization service. If you take a text document for example, it will be the same on all your computers. If you add anything in this document, the file will be automatically updated on other computers. Synchronization takes place mainly via the Internet. To do this, you need to install special programs on all computers, tablets or smartphones that you use, for example. The program will create a folder named Dropbox where you will store your documents. They will be uploaded to special storage on the Internet, after which you will have access to them from anywhere in the world through a web browser, smartphone or tablet.

A distinctive feature of data synchronization is that you no need to keep track of file versions with whom you work. You will always have the most recent version of your document. Any file synchronization service allows you to upload your documents, photos, music and other files to the cloud storage and then access them through programs for computers, tablets, smartphones, or simply through a web browser. In order to start using file synchronization, you need to register and download a free file sync program... You can read about how to do this in the article about . And don't be intimidated by the English interface, you can use a wonderful plugin for Google Chrome to quickly translate incomprehensible words.

What are the benefits of data synchronization for ordinary users:

At first - data protection from the loss of important information. You are not afraid of a computer breakdown, loss of a flash drive, or hard disk breakdown. Your documents, photos, presentations, spreadsheets and other files will always be available from anywhere, wherever there is the Internet.

Secondly - you can easily exchange files with other people by simply sending them a link by email, Vkontakte, Facebook or in any way convenient for you.

Thirdly - synchronization of computers via the Internet. You can start doing something on your work computer and pick up where you left off on your home computer. Synchronizing data on two or more computers has become much easier.

Fourth- you can not carry a USB flash drive with you all the time, often forgetting to throw something on it. It is enough to know the login and password from the data synchronization service and your files will always be available to you via the Internet.

I never tire of repeating that with the modern rhythm of life, synchronization will not be unnecessary. Nowadays it is especially easy to lose all your documents, files, photos due to the fact that computers have become mobile, it is easier to break or lose them. Quite often, important documents simply lie on Desktop... But this will not worry you until you lose something important. So, you will be helped to secure important information sync services