Search for social networks. How to find a person by name and surname, if it is not in social networks

This page will help you quickly and without registration to find and open the page of a person VKontakte if you know His name and surname, and even better - address (country, city), age (or year of birth), place of study or work.

Enter your name and / or surname and click "To find". Search results with all PC pages that are suitable for these data will be found. Then refine your request: choose the location in the right column - the country and the city. To narrow the range of search and quickly find a person, you can specify age or date of birth, school, university, place of work.

You can open any page VKontakte and click on the person. But some pages are available only to authorized users - it means that you must first log in to VK with your name and password.

If not registered, do it:

If you can't find a friend in VK, but you know exactly what he has a page, find out the link to the page or His Iidy (ID, page number). And find the page on Iyi is very simple:

or even by photo, if you do not know the name:

How to find a person in vkontakte by mobile phone number

Usually such information is a secret, because the VK administration takes care of the safety of its users. But you will find a person by phone, if he pointed the number on his page (discovered for everyone). Try right from here:

Search for man VKontakte by phone number

If the phone number was listed on the page, enter it here (for example, +79001234567 ) And click "To find".

There are also ways to search for in VK according to the tied phone number (through "possible friends"), but they do not guarantee that you will find a person. After all, the page can be tied to his other number you do not know. In addition, he could prohibit find it by number. Nevertheless, these ways are:

Search by number via mobile application VK

You can try to find a person by number through the mobile application VK on Android:

  1. Write a person number to the phonebook on your phone (in "Contacts").
  2. Install VKontakte application for Android to your phone.
  3. Go to the app.
  4. Go to the menu "Friends".
  5. Click on +. (a plus) up.
  6. Click "Contacts - find friends in a notebook."
  7. Confirmation will appear - click "Yes".
  8. Wait for a while, and you will see all the people whose rooms are saved in your phone and which are not your friends yet in VC - among them there should be a person you are looking for.

How to punch a person in VK by number (another way)

VK offers you possible acquaintances from contacts on the phone. In this method, a clean smartphone with an empty list of contacts is used.

  1. Take a smartphone (after reset).
  2. You buy a SIM card.
  3. Enter the number of the phone you want to break in address book (contacts).
  4. You set the official VC application.
  5. Give him access to contacts on the phone.
  6. Register a new page.
  7. We are waiting for, and after some time the VK will start to show you in "possible friends" page of the person who in your contacts. Since he is alone, it is not necessary to guess.

Search through the recovery password VK

There is also a small opportunity to find a person by cell number through the recovery of the VKontakte password. But for this you need to know the surname. If you leave VK, click "Forgot your password", Then correctly enter the phone number and the surname of the person, the site will show the name, surname and city. Previously, it was possible to immediately recognize the link to the person's page, but this opportunity has long been removed. Therefore, nothing new this search will give - if you know the room and last name, then you probably know the city, and the name - and therefore you can find a person as described above, at the very beginning.

How to find a person vkontakte at accommodation

As for the address, VKontakte users usually indicate their country and the city (some - also their hometown, where they were born), and at the top you can search for this data, only first point at the top of the name and / or the surname of the person and click "To find". When the search box opens, select the country and the city. More accurate data - street, house, apartment - on the website VK.

How to find a person vkontakte by university

The full version of VK when searching for a person does not give to choose a university (university) until the country and city are selected. If you do not know where a person lives exactly, and you want to search only for the university that he finished, it can be done through mobile version VC.

There are many situations in life when you need to contact a particular user. But even if there is a phone, it is not always convenient to disturb your acquaintances directly or sending them a message - an ordinary correspondence of VKontakte or classmates is much more acceptable. In this regard, the question naturally arises - how to find a person by phone number in social networksMoreover, when he does not answer calls.

Before you look for a specific user, it would be nice to know exactly what it is registered on any social resource. If no such information is missing, then a positive search result is dubious. Despite the fact that in our time it is difficult to imagine that someone does not communicate through the Internet, it also happens.

In general, personal data of the profile of any person are confidential information, which, a priori, should not be disclosed. However, there are urgent, force majeure, when you have to look for workarounds, and they really have.

Before searching for people by phone number in social networks, you can use google service - for this in search string You can drive the mobile device number in different variations: with the code of the city, through a hyphen, using brackets and spaces. Many leave their contact details and personal information on communicative platforms, so there is still a chance to find a user.

Near the phone, you can specify the estimated network in which the buddy account may be. Most often, in this way, find their friends registered by VKontakte, as this is the most popular and well-known resource.

Also, there are specialized sites that are created to detect similar digital combinations. The search occurs automatically, since the system is initially programmed to such work. As a rule, the result comes almost instantly. For example, Mobile Monitoring - This service is designed to track phones. It supports any operators, it can provide a recording of conversations, determines the location of the mobile phone and the routes of the subscriber, is able to create interception of messages.

How to find a person vkontakte by phone number

There are three main ways to find a person by Vkontakte by phone number. You need to try all options and, perhaps, one of them will help wanted:

  1. The first way provides for a disclosure to your VK profile. After that, the number must be scored in the search string, noting the item "News" and press input. The search for values \u200b\u200bin various posts, comments will begin, but if the account owner is not "glowing" anywhere, the result will be zero. In addition, the system can issue and incorrect answers, so does not adhere to strict entry.
  2. The second option is suitable for whom the official application VK has been installed on the smartphone. It is necessary to act in the following order:
  • record and save telephone number wanted friend;
  • activate the VC application;
  • after authorization, go to the settings section and select "Account";
  • going to the "Other" section, you must select the contact synchronization item;
  • after that, you must open the "My Friends" tab and using the plus to add a friend;
  • the device will offer different options, but you only need to specify the contacts;
  • action should be confirmed.

With a good slack, after some time, a notification of a wanted user will come to the address attached to the profile.

In order to find out how to find a person by phone number in social networks, you can use another way, however, it is only suitable for VC. At the same time, it is not even necessary to go to your page. When in the account, it follows from it to go out and move to the version for mobile devicesBy clicking on the button at the bottom of the site:

  • first of all, you need to click on the item "Forgot your password";
  • then, at the suggestion of the system, enter the email address, login and digital combination numbers;
  • a page with a avatar page opens - you should copy the URL of the image and insert the address in the search.

How to find a person by phone number on Facebook (Facebook)

Below as you learn how to quickly find a person by phone number on the face, as well as how to configure your account in this social network so that you cannot calculate the phone number.

How to find a person by phone number in classmates

In order to find a person by phone number in the social network, classmates need to get out of their profile. And then it is necessary to produce the following steps:

Other methods for finding a person by phone number

If contact with a specific user is needed, of course, you can resort to the services of specialists engaged in this case professionally. But it is worth recalling that it is always a certain risk for this help via the Internet. You can run into unscrupulous workers and even scammers who having received their fee will simply disappear.

An alternative can be the operator database mobile communications, as well as special applications and programs that are intended to find similar information on social resources at the mobile phone number. In some cases, the search is also made by photos taken in Odnoklassniki, VK and on other websites.

Knowing how to find a person by phone number in social networks should not immediately use paid software or contact the qualified help, simple techniques and available applications that do not require paid maintenance can be solved.

With the problem of finding people sooner or later, you have to face every person. So the world is arranged that throughout the life path, all of our early childhood, we acquire new and new friends and acquaintances. Over time, due to some reasons associated, for example, with a change of residence, the people with whom we were once familiar are lost from the species. For years, and once, considering the old album with photos, suddenly an irresistible desire to find those who have not heard anything for a long time. And we are desperately trying to find the right person by name and surname by any possible ways.

Years of search and hope

Another twenty-thirty years ago, the search for the right person could be implemented only in one way - by request through the address bureau. If it was necessary to find a person living in the same city as you - it was enough to drive up to the item where we received applications for the search, fill the necessary details, and after some time, with a rather large probability, you could get the address of the wanted person. The whole procedure could take only an hour or two. If you need to find someone from another city - the search somewhat became more complicated. I had to send written requests to the address bureau of other cities, and wait for the answer. Well, if you tried to find a person living in another country, such searches stretched for years. And not always these searches gave positive results. Very often, due to lack of data, the requests remained unfulfilled. A huge number of citizens of the former Soviet Union after the end of the Great Patriotic War tried to find their relatives and loved ones, but many archives were simply destroyed, families of people were scattered throughout the country, and there was no possibility to find each other for many decades.

How simplified our life with the arrival of the Internet! Now you do not need to spend years, weeks and even hours to find your loved ones and friends who did not know anything about any years. The search may occupy a few minutes, and you can not just find a person, but also to contact him and make it felt.

To date, there are several possibilities to find a person by name and surname even without leaving your home:

  • through all sorts of social networks;
  • through special sites specializing in the search for people;
  • through telephone references cities;
  • general search by last name and name with the help of online search engines.

Search for a person with the help of social networks

It is with the help of popular social networks that can not only find the right person, but also to learn about it as a maximum of information: what does it deal with what music he listens to whom communicates and friendly, what is his family. And you can also see his photos and accurately make sure that you have found a person.

Search for the right person, you can only specify its last name - and your request you will receive a list of all users who wear such a name. Moreover, the network will give out those users who have similar names like. Well, if someone you are looking for some rare surname - it will simplify the choice from the entire list.

But if your friend has the surname of Ivanov, or, for example, Petrov - you just drown in the stream of information. Therefore, of course, to simplify your task, you need to remember the person you are trying to find maximum information:

  • last name and first name;
  • date of Birth;
  • place of residence;
  • study point;
  • school Number.

By the way, by the school number, where you studied, and the year of release you can find at once all of your classmates.

Social networks are the most popular, and, accordingly, and as applicable as possible to search for people. It was due to them that it became possible in a matter of minutes not only to find a person, and not only to learn any details of his present life, but also to contact him if instant messaging.

Site name

Address in the Internet

Approximate number of registered users

Approximate number of daily visits


In contact with


It is worth noting that the huge number of Facebook users is due to the fact that this is the global social network, i.e. It registered users who reside not only in the countries of the former union, but also around the world.

Search for man on request

If the person you try to find is not registered in social networks, sites will come to the rescue that they are directly searching for people. To start a search on such sites, you need to make an application in which the maximum information you have about the person you are looking for. The application is posted on the site, and you periodically check its condition.

Here are some sites working with applications for search.

Of course it is not instant searchBut also quite effective.

Find the phone of the right person

With the help of available online or paper telephone reference books You can successfully find the address of the residence, and even the phone of who you need.

We bring to your attention the most popular telephone directories:

The advantage of searching on phone books is that all information is issued in the form of a table in which the basic data on subscribers are collected, and you immediately see the initials of the person, and its date of birth, and the address of residence, and telephone. The main disadvantage of such bases is that their data is very often outdated, since the information in them comes on the basis of official sources.

"Google to the rescue!"

Try to find a person by name and surnames using the use of Internet search engines, the most popular of which are Yandex and Google.

If the person you need to find leaves somewhere any information about yourself, these search engines will help you find it. These can be some announcements, resumes on job search sites, blogs, mentioning some sites, where the subscriber could leave his comment, links to various social networks. With all these links it will be possible, in the end, find them author.

Many of us are trying through the Internet to find our relatives, acquaintances, friends, classmates, fellow students, etc. However, some people search on the Internet causes genuine difficulties, others about modern tools that make such operations, do not know at all. The following is proposed several basic techniques that will be useful to many users.

How to look for a person on the Internet: Basic search criteria

To begin with, we will understand what exactly the criteria can find the right person. The most basic is considered the following:

  • surname, first name, patronymic (plus date of birth and nickname);
  • place of birth or accommodation with the address, if not known;
  • the photo;
  • place of work (current or earlier);
  • phone number;
  • address email;
  • website (if any);
  • external IP address of the computer.

It would seem that the question of how to find a person on the Internet on personal data (FULL NAME) may be solved completely simply, even if you ask them in the usual search engine like Yandex or Google. But then it is worth considering that in the world with the same names, names and patronymic, with the full coincidence of the desired combination of such people, there can be a lot. In this case, it is better to add a date of birth or, for example, a school nickname or even a photo.

If there is a phone number or email address, it is simplified, especially since many services or the same social networks during registration in obligatory require specifying such data. But standard search engines give out the maximum possible number of results, and most of the services do not provide such data or does not advertise at all, since such information is considered purely confidential.

Search for a person on the Internet: where to look?

Thus, the use of search engines looks inexpedient, therefore, it is easier to use other methods.

Among the most accessible can be allocated:

  • popular social networks;
  • alleged place of work;
  • specialized search services.

Social networks

Today, social networks are considered the most popular in which there is almost a half-world. In them, the search is the easiest. How to calculate a person on the Internet if registered, for example, on Facebook or VK? It is enough just to enter personal data and add an estimated place of birth or accommodation.

A huge advantage of social networks is the presence of a "smart" search, which involves the use of transformations of names or surnames in different language layouts. For example, this can be explained so. Suppose we need to find a person named Yaroslav. Search engines Social networks when formatting results will be included in them and names written in English - Yaroslav. Sometimes the dimensional names like Yarik or Yarik can be added.

An even more interesting look like to the task of Lena name. And the system is absolutely no difference as this name is written. The results will also show Alena, Lena, Alena, and Alyona (after all, it is no secret that many Lena call themselves Alans and register register under such names).

In the network "Odnoklassniki" everything is easier. As a rule, when registering a girl or a woman, they indicate their maiden names, so finding a classmate with the help of such a formulation is easier than simple. And if you also specify the criteria for years of study, the city, the school number or a literature of class, the result will not make himself wait. You can also just watch your friends friends. True, the result can be obtained only under the condition that the person in some social network is really registered. In some cases, as an option, you can use the Skype program.

Place of work

The problem of how to find a person on the Internet can be solved simple enough if you know exactly where it works at the moment (or worked before). As a rule, today on the Internet, you can find not only large or medium-sized enterprises that are seen by our own sites, but also to meet a lot of ads on goods and services from small firms.

Of course, asking a search by the name of the company and its location, you will only get any contact phones related to the company as a whole, and not a separate person who interests you (if only it does not apply to the management, and its number is not specified directly on the site or in the ad). But there are no problems here. It is enough just to call the company and find out if the one you are looking for, or even invite it to the phone.

Using sniffers and specialized services

Now let's see how to find a person on the Internet with some non-standard methods. In this case, we are talking about the joint use of sniffers (programs that allow you to find out the external IP of the computer from which Internet access is available) and narrow-proof search services.

For safety reasons, for obvious reasons, the full algorithm for the work of the sniffer, or the directly installed on the computer, or its Internet analogue, will not be brought. It is enough to say that his work is based on the fact that you send a letter to an email with an attachment on e-mail (for example, with a picture), the recipient opens it, and in response you get the external IP of its computer. Similar procedures can be made on social networks.

After that, the question of how to "punch" a person on the Internet, comes down to entering the received IP on sites like Upon completion of the analysis (of course, if the desired computer does not use the connection via a VPN, a proxy or some anonymizer), the result will be issued about the location, but not the computer that is looking for, and the provider providing Internet access services. It will only be necessary to call the provider and find out the address or personal data of the registered user (most providers do not provide such data, so you have to go on a different kind of tricks and tricks).


As you can see, the question of how to find a person on the Internet is not so complicated, as it might seem at first glance. In addition, only the main criteria and search methods were considered here, since it is simply impossible to describe everything for obvious reasons. Yes, and the ordinary user just do not need too zazable techniques. Separately, it is worth saying that the use of sniffers, by and large, can be attributed to several illegal methods classified as an attempt of hacking. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand that this information was provided solely for informational purposes.

Drawing a dozen PS / 2 connectors, a beam of trimming twisted pairs, a floppy disk by 5.25 "(or two by 3.5"), a video film with a recording of the speech of Kashpirovsky, a little (never hurts) and the gadget to which the letter came from the unknown sender - Verevo Modern Baba Yagi is ready! And how otherwise, without magic, find out who wrote you an email message?

Often, people, sending you a letter, or deliberately do not reveal their person, or trite forget to introduce themselves. And in vain! After all, more friendly and productive communication takes place between a person and personality, not a man and invisibility. In this article, I will tell you how to try to find out the maximum about the sender-incognito at its email address.

Calculate geographic location

Information provided by other similar tools for determining the geographical location of the sender by the IP address cannot be called comprehensive.

Often you will see erroneous or superficial results, for example, only the country of departure. But trying happiness is still worth.

How to know the aypishnik? If you use Gmail, click on the "still" button, located opposite the letter header. Select "Show Original". In the service window that opens, locate the "Received: From" line. IP address in your pocket.

The results of such searches can be varied depending on the software used when sending a message and tricks of national Internet providers. In general, it is worth trying in each concrete case and see the result.

Search by Facebook.

The user base of Facebook has more than a billion people, so the likelihood is that the sender has a profile in this social network. Do not everyone know that Facebook, unlike LinkedIn and most other social speakers, allows you to search for people at the email address. Simply insert the address in the search string, and Facebook will immediately indicate the profile if it is tied to the electronic.

Found, but the profile is little informative? Load the photo of the account in the search for google pictures. Perhaps this snapshot stands on the avatar and in other social networks that will provide you with a greater number of information.

Search for other social networks

What if Facebook did not give any results or the profile image is not a photo of the account owner? Dig on other social networks!

Look at the page. The web tool allows you to quickly find out what services one or another nickname is already used. For example, if you have come a letter from [Email Protected], It can be assumed that the combination of letters and numbers to the symbol "Dog" was used and during registration on social networks. Therefore, you should try the search for Namesurname.

Chrome users can install. The extension displays a person's card when hovering the cursor to its email address. Vibe search results can give the mountain of information or to upset it with a complete absence.

Search by specialized services

Finally, if all attempts turned out to be vain, you can contact specialized people search for people in the network. For example, or. Both sites allow you to perform requests at the email address, but the large base has SPOKEO.

However, it is important that the data provided by SPOKEO is available only after paying the tariff of use.

It is hard to imagine what you should be interested in the sender of the letter so that you post $ 4 for links to his person in the network. Can you share?


Most likely, the proposed services and methods will help you draw up a more detailed idea of \u200b\u200byour interlocutor. Why "most likely"? Because the tricks will work only for those mail addresses that already "lit up" on the network.

And what advice can you offer?