How to change the password on a wifi router

Unfortunately, Wai Fi network is more at risk of using its attackers than the usual cable, since the lazy does not want to connect to it. Given this circumstance, each WiFi network owner must have skills to change the access code on a wireless router so that it was possible to change it periodically. Also, there are often cases of using particularly complex passwords, which the user is simply lost and cannot connect to the network itself.

Sometimes the owner of the router begins to constantly disturb the fact of constant activity of the light indication of the WiFi device, and at the same time a significant drop in the data transmission rate. In these and in many other situations, it is recommended to change the password on Wai Fi. A special danger to the owner of the Wireless Network is a weak WiFi security, due to the fact that connecting to the network by easy access and apply personal data for their mercenary purposes. This article presents detailed instructions, thanks to which even novice users can easily change the access code to its wireless network.

Main recommendations and Password Structure Requirements

An attackers will be much more difficult to connect online if it is protected by a good code. In order to ensure the maximum security of your WiFi, specialists have developed the following several main recommendations and registry requirements:

  1. WiFi code representing a commonly used dictionary word or name is the most vulnerable. Special software quickly cracks such a fi by a simple method of selection;
  2. WiFi password must have at least eight characters;
  3. If WiFi password character set can be typed from the following keys, it also relates to the most vulnerable;
  4. The characteristics of the characters must be present, signs and symbols with the change of keyboard register;
  5. It is strictly not recommended to use codes for wi-fi composed of the nicknames, names, phones, dates, or the standard sequence of numbers, if so, it is desirable to change it urgently.

In order to ensure the maximum security of personal information of the WiFi owner of the router, it is advisable to replace the wi-fi password on a regular basis with a frequency of 1 block, but not less than 1 time per year.

The composition of a reliable password for WiFi includes a spontaneous combination of characters and signs. Even users who do not have absolutely no fantasy can come up with a special technique. And choose such a complex code with the help of special software and connect to the network will take a significant amount of time at an attacker that is at least several months even when using particularly powerful computing equipment.

An example of a good wifi password

The method of compiling a unique password for Wi-Fi consists of the following steps:

  1. Set the basic word, such as the house - House;
  2. Next, change with the addition of the date of birth of your any relative: H2ou8e;
  3. Then change some capital letters to large: h2ou8e;
  4. Enable signs: H2O + U8 * E;
  5. After that, to use any poem who came to mind and from one row of verse from each word to take two first letters. Then print them using English layout. If you take a bed of A.S. Pushkin "I sit behind the grille in the dungeon of raw ...", then the result will be: cbthntcs;
  6. Further dilute the resulting set in the 4th point symbols from verse: CB2HTONTH + U8CS * E;
  7. Ready! It remains only to write it in personal notebook and use.

When the time comes to change the password to Wai Fay again, you will not need a lot of fantasy to generate a new no less complex code, simply using the technique.

Password change procedure

To execute the task, you must perform the following steps:

However, often owners of routers install their passwords, and they no longer correspond to the inscriptions pasted on the body of the apparatus. In this case, to connect users can make a reset of the router settings.

To do this, you can use the following short instructions:

  1. Armed with a subtle subject, for example, straightened by the stationery clip and press the "RESET" key of the router;
  2. After holding the button, about a dozen seconds should be released and wait for the process of completing the restart of the device;
  3. Ready! Now the router parameters will return to the default manufacturer.

In the case when the user has problems searching for IP addresses and it cannot connect, then you need to make the following sequential steps:

  1. Through "Start" open the program and file search feature;
  2. Print "CMD";
  3. Click on "Enter";
  4. In the displayed dark window, print "Ipconfig" and click "Enter";
  5. View «IIPI» in the column "Main Gateway".

How to change the MTS router code

Consider the most common router from Huawei from "Huawei" in our country, which are used by MTS subscribers.

An action algorithm to change the password as follows:

As you can see, change the password is not so difficult!