How to install updates and additional programs for Linux Ubuntu! How to Upgrade Linux Kernel for Better System Performance Upgrading the Linux Boot Loader Mint 17.3.

Greetings to all!

How to install Ubuntu, we figured out in the previous articles: How to install the Linux Ubuntu operating system? and How to install Linux Ubuntu and Windows operating system on the same computer?

Updates will need to be installed to keep both the operating system and the installed software up to date. And the update manager will help us with this. Every day, he will check for updates and offer us to install them. In this article I will show you how to install updates and software for Linux Ubuntu.

After installing the system, we see that in order to update the system itself and programs for Linux Ubuntu, we need to download 215.6 MB. We agree with the offer and click the "Install now" button.

The first stage of the update installation has started - download. In order to see what the update wizard is doing, click "Details".

In the window that opens, we see which system and software update packages for Linux Ubuntu are being loaded at the moment.

After downloading, the installation of the downloaded packages will begin.

After installing the packages, to apply system and software updates for Linux Ubuntu, the installation wizard will prompt you to restart your computer.
We agree and restart the computer now by clicking the "Restart now ..."

The computer rebooted and after the desktop opens, proceed to installing new packages (programs for Linux Ubuntu).

We will start installing programs for Linux Ubuntu with the VLC media player. (The system already has Totem video player, but I'm more used to VLC. And I install on all my new systems.)

Let's open the application center and enter the name of the required package in the search bar. If the required package is in the standard repositories, then the application center will display it to us. The required package was found and in order to install it we press the appropriate button.

To install additional software for Linux Ubuntu, we need additional privileges. To receive them, the system asks us to enter our password. We enter it and press the "Authenticate" button

The installation process begins. What we are told by the Linux Ubuntu Application Center at the top of the window and on the left in the form of a download bar.

While VLC is being installed, let's add another application to Linux Ubuntu - the Chromium Internet browser.

I use the GIMP cross-platform editor for editing images and photos. We also type its name in the search bar and press the "Install" button.

To work in the console it is very convenient to use the "MC file manager" (Midnight Commander) application in Linux Ubuntu. We also type its name in the search bar and press the "Install" button.

Sometimes you have to edit audio recordings. For these tasks, on Linux Ubuntu I use a free application - the audio editor Audacity. Which is also included in the standard Ubuntu repositories. In order to see a short description of the package, you need to click the "Details"

After reading the description, click the "Install" button.

To expand the ability of the operating system to work with various archives, we need the Linux Ubuntu application - 7zip.

After reading the description of this package, click the "Install" button.

If you need to install any more programs for Linux Ubuntu, then you can also find it in the application center and install it.

We examined how you can install updates and the programs we need through the update wizard and the application center.

All these operations (installing updates and programs for Linux Ubuntu) can be performed from the command line.

To do this, open a terminal. By clicking on the icon in the upper left corner of the "Search on my computer ..." screen. In the search bar, enter "term" and select the "Terminal" program by clicking the left mouse button.

A terminal (command line) window will open.

sudo apt-get update

To obtain additional privileges, you must enter the user's password and press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

The update process will continue. And we should get the answer that "Reading the package list ... Done." This means that the list of packages has been updated, and we can proceed to updating the packages.

To update the list of packages, type the command
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
and press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

After the analysis, it will inform us about which programs for Linux Ubuntu will be installed and which ones will only be updated. And it will ask us for consent to continue the update. We type the letter "D" and press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

The update process will continue.

After the update is completed, the command line will become available for input.

Now let's look at installing the previously reviewed applications for Linux Ubuntu.

To do this, enter only one line in the terminal
sudo apt-get install vlc chomium-browser audacity mc p7zip-full
and press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

After the analysis, the system will tell us what applications for Linux Ubuntu will be installed. And it will ask us for consent to continue the installation. We type the letter "D" and press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

At the end of the installation in the terminal, we see the entries about the configuration of the installed packages.

We have considered how you can update the Linux Ubuntu operating system in two ways and install the necessary programs (applications). And you can keep the operating system and software up to date in a convenient way for you, as well as find and install the required programs for Linux Ubuntu. And if there are any unclear questions on this topic and there are suggestions, then please write them in the comments. Bye everyone!

As with any operating system, Linux Mint comes with updates and must be installed. Updates can be within one version of Linux Mint, or there can be an update from one version to another. This is what this article will be about.

Installing Linux Mint Updates

If you have just installed the system, then you need to update it to the current state. This can be done in two ways. The first is to launch the update manager. It can be found in menu-administration-update manager.

First, click on the "check for updates" button, and then on the "install updates" button.

The second way is updating through the terminal. Start a terminal and enter the commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

These updates should be checked and installed on a regular basis as this increases the security of your computer and data.

Upgrading Linux Mint from one version to another

The developers of Linux Mint have already released 17 versions of their operating system, and many have a question how to upgrade from one version to another. In general, we do not recommend upgrading from one version to another and it is better to install a new version from scratch, but if you do not have time for this, then let's look at this using the example of Linux Mint 17.1. To do this, run the aforementioned update manager. In its menu, click on the "edit" button and the following submenu will appear in front of you:

In its lower part, it is proposed to update to the latest version of the system (in our case, from Linux Mint 17.1 to 17.3). Click on this button.

In the next step, we will be prompted to read the release notes

Click on the "continue" button and check out the new release features.

At the last step, we will be warned about possible problems after the update and you need to check the box that you understand the risk.

Click on the button "apply and wait for the update to finish. After that, restart your computer. As you can see, nothing complicated, but we recommend that you update from one version to another as follows:

2) Boot from it and start the file manager with administrator rights from the terminal with the command sudo caja (relevant for the MATE desktop).

3) Find the "view" tab in its menu and check the box next to the line "show hidden files"

Delete all folders and files that start with a dot

Now close the terminal and file manager and proceed with the installation. At the stage of partitioning the disk, in no case tick the box to format the partition / homeas this will delete all of your data. The rest of the installation is no different from the usual one.

We've covered how to update Linux Mint, but if you still have questions, please post them on our forum.

Kernel development speed Linuxvery high - new major releases are released approximately every two or three months. Each release introduces several new features and improvements that many people can use to make their computers faster, more efficient, and better in other ways.

The problem, though, is that you usually can't enjoy these new kernel releases as soon as they come out - you have to wait for a new version of your distribution to come out with a new kernel version. However, if you know the benefits of regularly updating your kernel, you may not want to wait until you get it this way. We'll show you how to update your kernel Linux.

Disclaimer: you should be aware that updating the kernel carries a (small) risk of breaking your system. If this happens, usually when booting the system, it is enough to select the old kernel and the system will boot, but something can always go wrong. Therefore, we are not responsible for any damage to your system - use our instructions at your own risk!

Preparatory work:

To update your kernel, you first need to determine which system you are using - 32- bit or 64- bit. Open a new terminal window (to do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T) and run the following command in it:

Then check the command output to see if it says x 86_64 or i686... If this x86_64then you have 64-bit version of the system, otherwise you are working with 32-bit system. Remember this because it will be important.

Now visit the official kernel website Linux... This will help you find out what the current stable version of the kernel is. You can of course try Release Candidate versions, but they are much less tested than stable ones. Install the stable version unless you are completely sure what you need RC(release candidate) -release.

Instructions for Ubuntu:

For users Ubuntu and distributions based on it, it is enough to simply update their kernel thanks to PPA-repository called Ubuntu Mainline Kernel PPA... While this is officially called a PPA repository, you cannot add it to your system by adding it to your application sources list and letting it automatically download and update the kernel for you. It's just a web page that you can visit to download the kernel you want.

Now visit the web page PPAfor kernels and scroll to the end. At the very end of the list, you may see some release candidate versions (you can identify them by " rc"in the name), and right on top of them should be the latest stable kernel. Click on it and you will be presented with several options. You need to download three files and save them in their own folder so that they are isolated from other files (for example, you can create a folder in your downloads folder):

  • Headers file " generic"for your architecture (in my case 64-bit or " amd64″)
  • A header file in the middle that has " all"at the end of the filename
  • "generic "-the kernel file for your architecture (and again, I choose " amd64″, But if you use 32-bit, you will need " i686″)

You may also notice that there are files available for download " lowlatency", but they can be ignored. These files are usually relatively unstable and made available especially for people who need small delays if regular files are not suitable for tasks such as recording audio. Initially, always use generic files and try lowlatency only if the performance is not good enough for some tasks. And no, gaming or surfing the web is not a reason to use lowlatency.

You put these files in your own folder, right? Now open a terminal and use the command cdto navigate to the newly created folder - for example, your command might look something like this:

cd / home / user / Downloads / Kernel

and then do:

sudo dpkg -i * .deb

This command marks all .deb files in the folder as intended for installation and then makes that installation. This is the recommended way to install these files, because otherwise you might get dependency issues when installing one by one. Using this command helps to avoid this problem.

After the installation is complete, restart your computer and you should now be working with the new kernel! You can check this by running the command uname -ain the terminal and looking at what it displays.

Fedora instructions:

If you are using a distribution Fedora or one of its derivatives, the process will be very similar to that used in Ubuntu... You just need to download the files from a different location and install them with a different command.

Review the list of the most recent kernel builds for Fedora... Select the latest available version in the list and then decide on the version - i686 or x86_64 - depending on the architecture of your system. In this section, you need to download the following files and save them in your own folder (for example, you can create a directory " Kernel"inside your folder Downloads)

  • kernel
  • kernel-core
  • kernel-headers
  • kernel-modules
  • kernel-modules-extra
  • kernel-tools
  • perf and python-perf (additionally)

If your system i686 (32-bit), and you have four or more gigabytes of RAM, you will need to download PAE-version for all of these files, if available. PAE is an addressing technology that is used to enable 32-bit systems use more 3 gigabytes random access memory.

Now use the command cdto navigate to the created folder, for example:

Also users Fedora can just switch to Rawhidewhich will automatically update every package to the latest version including the kernel Linux... However, it is known that Rawhidewill permanently stop working (especially early in the development cycle) and should not be used on systems you rely on.

Arch Linux instructions:

Users Archshould always have the latest available kernel (or very close to it) due to the nature of the distribution. If you want to get even closer to this, you can enable the testing repository, which will give you access to new major releases about two or four weeks earlier.

To do this, open the file /etc/pacman.conf from root-right in your favorite text editor, and then uncomment (remove the characters at the beginning of each line) the three lines that are related to testing. If you have a repository enabled multilib, do the same for the repository multilib-testing... See this wiki page Arch Linuxif you need more information about this process.

Update kernel Linux not easy (especially if you do it all the time), but it can give you many benefits. If your new kernel doesn't break anything, you can now enjoy improved performance, better efficiency, more hardware support, and possibly new features. Updating the kernel can help you especially if you are running relatively new hardware.

Updating Linux is an important stage in the operation of the system, allowing not only to improve security, but also to supplement programs and system components with new capabilities.

Be sure to back up all necessary data before you start. There is a possibility that the update will be unsuccessful, and therefore you need to be prepared to reinstall Linux in case of unforeseen circumstances. Please note that it is recommended to update the system as the versions are released: i.e. not skipping interim OS releases. Otherwise, it is possible that such actions will damage the system. In total, you can update the Linux system in 2 ways: through a graphical interface or through a terminal. But before starting this process, it is advisable to update the installed applications. We find "Programs and Updates" in the system. We are interested in the tab with the name "Updates". Go to it and put a tick in the "Updates not included in the official release" column. We also find the column "Notify me when a new version of Ubuntu is released" and in the selection menu we put "When any new version is available". After confirmation, the system will ask the user for a password. We enter it and wait for the parameters to be updated. Then you can proceed directly to updating the system itself. Go to the terminal and start writing "Application Updates". A window will open with applications that can be updated. Along with them, Linux will also update the system. We confirm the actions by clicking the "Install now" button. There is a possibility that the system will update only the applications, without affecting the update of the system itself. In this case, reopen the Application Update window. Linux will ask you to update your OS. We confirm all actions, at the end we click "Start update". We are waiting for the update to be installed, and then restart the computer. As mentioned above, there is another way to update, which is desirable to apply also after updating applications. This method is the most simplified and will not take much time. Having entered the terminal, open the command line, start entering the command: "sudo apt-get update". After completing the software update, enter the further command "sudo do-release-upgrade". Confirm the action by pressing the "Y" key and wait for your system to update.

These are all the methods by which you can update your Linux OS. It is not necessary to update the system as new versions are released. But the update can fix some possible bugs related to the previous version, or improve the performance of some components, not to mention a number of possible innovations.

Some operating system updates address security holes, while others help the OS to support new programs. But most valuable are those that improve the system itself - add new functions and capabilities to it. If there is a Long Term Support (LTS) update, it is very useful to pay attention to it. Updating Ubuntu through Terminal serves many purposes at once. A reasonable user will not refuse the benefits that it gives.

When updating through the terminal, you must use special commands.

The Ubuntu operating system is updated mainly every six months. This is a sufficient period for new technologies, know-how and solutions to appear in the IT world. Therefore, keeping an eye on updates and putting them in a timely manner is a surefire way to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

The Ubuntu system has long been famous for the approach taken by Canonical. It promises the ability to get everything you need and at once, on one disk or in one image. If software updates are released, the system will also inform you about this and offer to install.

Linux operating systems were not known for their attention to the needs of beginners before. Things are a little different now. One of the useful innovations in Ubuntu is Update Manager. It allows you not only to receive notifications about the release of new OS versions. It also offers the best option for installing new software packages. Therefore, you will have the necessary software when it is in demand and relevant.

Let's consider in detail how to update Ubuntu through the Terminal. If you want to find out about important and supported updates yourself, go to the section "System" - "Administration" - "Update Manager". Your OS will start searching for new versions of current programs and packages for them. This is most relevant when you are tired of waiting for new features, and the process of downloading updated versions did not start automatically.

You can always install through the official site. But this is a little slower. And don't chase novelty by downloading releases without long-term support. Bugs in test versions can be quite serious.

Let's start updating

IMPORTANT. For everything to go well, your PC must have a system version of 14.04 or newer. Also get sudo rights. Otherwise, you may run into problems.

First of all, save all important data to a separate medium. The best option would be to back up important folders, or even the entire file system.

Get up-to-date information on packages and update those that are already installed. You can do it like this:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Ubuntu will display a list of new versions. Read the instructions on the screen and confirm the action.

Consider dependencies that have changed. The following command will help you do this:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

If everything went well, you will have the most recent version of the distribution kit already installed on your computer. With it, you need to start a complete update of Linux Ubuntu through the Terminal.

Installing a new version

To upgrade Ubuntu, we use the “do-release-upgrade” tool.

First, you need the "update-manager-core" package. This is the new version of the Update Manager:

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core

sudo do-release-upgrade

We suggest updating the version to the latest official one. This is what the "-d" option at the end of the command is for.

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

You may receive a warning about the inability to use SSH, or the risk of losing your connection. Please read it carefully and accept the terms by pressing "y". All of the following dialog boxes can be ignored, agreeing with the information presented.

The Ubuntu update via Terminal is almost over. The system will have a few more questions for you, for example, about restarting services, or replacing configuration files. Answer as your needs require.

Once the new packages are downloaded, Ubuntu will prompt you to remove the old ones:

Remove obsolete packages?
53 packages are going to be removed.
Continue Details [d] y

Answer “Yes” if you did not install any important configuration files and extensions on the OS.

Restart your computer as soon as the installation of the new version is complete. If everything went well, you will see a welcome message with the new version number.


As you can see, updating Ubuntu via Terminal is no big deal. Are you proficient in keyboard input? This is already enough to get a fresh version of the OS.

Using the new system opens up new possibilities. It can also cause new problems. Therefore, in case of any problems in the OS or programs - read the current materials on our website!